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[해외논문] Investigation of 1 GPa Controlled Clearance Piston Gauge Using Finite Element Analysis

MĀPAN : journal of Metrology Society of India, v.35 no.1, 2020년, pp.105 - 110  

Samodro, Rudi Anggoro ,  Choi, In-Mook ,  Woo, Sam-Yong

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (11)

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  8. R.A. Samodro, I.M. Choi and S.Y. Woo, A study on characteristics of 1 GPa controlled clearance piston gauge using finite element method, Proceeding of XX IMEKO World Congress, Busan, Republic of Korea, 2012, pp. 1658-1661. 

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  11. R.A. Samodro, Characterization of 1 GPa controlled clearance piston gauge for high pressure standard using finite element method, Master Degree Thesis, (2012) pp. 26-28. 


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