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NTIS 바로가기Pharmacognosy journal, v.12 no.2, 2020년, pp.287 - 292
Pansuksan, Kanoktip , Sukprasert, Sophida , Karaket, Netiya
초록이 없습니다.
Nunes, Sílvia C. ; Gomes, Ana P. ; Nunes, Paulo ; Fernandes, Mariana ; Maia, Ana ; Bacelar, Eunice ; Rocha, João ; Cruz, Rebeca ; Boatto, Aline ; Ravishankar, Ajith P. ; Casal, Susana ; Anand, Srinivasan ; Bermudez, Verónica de Zea ; Crespí, António L. 2022 "Leaf surfaces and neolithization - the case of Arundo donax L" Frontiers in plant science, 13(): 999252~
Ullah, Hidayat ; Khan, Ilham ; Mustafa, Ghazala ; Shehzad, Junaid ; Hasan, Murtaza ; Saeed, Umair ; Chaudhari, Sunbal Khalil 2023 "Molecular Characterization and Mitigative Role of Silicon Dioxide Nanoparticles in Ocimum Basilicum Under Lead (Pb) Stress" Silicon, 15(6): 2551~2565
Suárez, Luis ; Ortega, Zaida ; Barczewski, Mateusz ; Cunningham, Eoin 2023 "Use of giant reed (Arundo donax L.) for polymer composites obtaining: a mapping review" Cellulose, 30(8): 4793~4812
Míguez, Clara ; Cancela, Ángeles ; Sánchez, Ángel ; Álvarez, Xana 2022 "Possibilities for Exploitation of Invasive Species, Arundo donax L., as a Source of Phenol Compounds" Waste and biomass valorization, 13(10): 4253~4265
Kumar, Pardeep ; Singh, Sarvjeet ; Sharma, Aakash ; Kaur, Gunjot ; Kaur, Ravneet ; Singh, Anand Narain 2021 "Arundo donax L.: An overview on its traditional and ethnomedicinal importance, phytochemistry, and pharmacological aspects" Journal of herbmed pharmacology, 10(3): 269~280
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