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[해외논문] Synthesis of Pd‐Pt Ultrathin Assembled Nanosheets as Highly Efficient Electrocatalysts for Ethanol Oxidation

Chemistry, an Asian journal, v.15 no.8, 2020년, pp.1324 - 1329  

Han, Yeji (Department of Chemistry University of Ulsan Ulsan 44776 Republic of Korea) ,  Kim, Jeonghyeon (Department of Chemistry and Green-Nano Materials Research Center Kyungpook National University Daegu 41566 Republic of Korea) ,  Lee, Su‐Un (Chemical & Process Technology Division Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology 141, Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34114 Republic of Korea) ,  Choi, Sang‐Il (Department of Chemistry and Green-Nano Materials Research Center Kyungpook National University Daegu 41566 Republic of Korea) ,  Hong, Jong Wook (Department of Chemistry University of Ulsan Ulsan 44776 Republic of Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractControl over composition and morphology of nanocrystals (NCs) is significant to develop advanced catalysts applicable to polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells and further overcome the performance limitations. Here, we present a facile synthesis of Pd−Pt alloy ultrathin assembled nan...

참고문헌 (38)

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  7. Hong, Jong Wook, Kang, Shin Wook, Choi, Bu-Seo, Kim, Dongheun, Lee, Sang Bok, Han, Sang Woo. Controlled Synthesis of Pd–Pt Alloy Hollow Nanostructures with Enhanced Catalytic Activities for Oxygen Reduction. ACS nano, vol.6, no.3, 2410-2419.

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  16. Yu, Weiting, Porosoff, Marc D., Chen, Jingguang G.. Review of Pt-Based Bimetallic Catalysis: From Model Surfaces to Supported Catalysts. Chemical reviews, vol.112, no.11, 5780-5817.

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  18. Hong, Jong Wook, Kim, Yena, Wi, Dae Han, Lee, Seunghoon, Lee, Su‐Un, Lee, Young Wook, Choi, Sang‐Il, Han, Sang Woo. Ultrathin Free‐Standing Ternary‐Alloy Nanosheets. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.55, no.8, 2753-2758.

  19. Hong, Jong Wook, Kim, Yena, Wi, Dae Han, Lee, Seunghoon, Lee, Su‐Un, Lee, Young Wook, Choi, Sang‐Il, Han, Sang Woo. Ultrathin Free‐Standing Ternary‐Alloy Nanosheets. Angewandte Chemie, vol.128, no.8, 2803-2808.

  20. Kim, Jeonghyeon, Kim, Haesol, Lee, Won-Jae, Ruqia, Bibi, Baik, Hionsuck, Oh, Hyung-Suk, Paek, Seung-Min, Lim, Hyung-Kyu, Choi, Chang Hyuck, Choi, Sang-Il. Theoretical and Experimental Understanding of Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Kinetics in Alkaline Electrolytes with Pt-Based Core-Shell Nanocrystals. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.141, no.45, 18256-18263.

  21. Kim, Hee Jin, Ahn, Yong-Deok, Kim, Jeonghyeon, Kim, Kyoung-Su, Jeong, Yeon Uk, Hong, Jong Wook, Choi, Sang-Il. Surface elemental distribution effect of Pt-Pb hexagonal nanoplates for electrocatalytic methanol oxidation reaction. Chinese journal of catalysis, vol.41, no.5, 813-819.

  22. Kim, Kyung Soo, Hong, Youngmin, Kim, Heon Chul, Choi, Sang‐Il, Hong, Jong Wook. Ultrathin‐Polyaniline‐Coated Pt–Ni Alloy Nanooctahedra for the Electrochemical Methanol Oxidation Reaction. Chemistry : a European journal, vol.25, no.29, 7185-7190.

  23. Zhan, Fangwei, Bian, Ting, Zhao, Wengao, Zhang, Hui, Jin, Mingshang, Yang, Deren. Facile synthesis of Pd–Pt alloy concave nanocubes with high-index facets as electrocatalysts for methanol oxidation. CrystEngComm, vol.16, no.12, 2411-2416.

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  25. Xia, Younan, Xiong, Yujie, Lim, Byungkwon, Skrabalak, Sara E.. Shape‐Controlled Synthesis of Metal Nanocrystals: Simple Chemistry Meets Complex Physics?. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.48, no.1, 60-103.

  26. Xia, Younan, Xiong, Yujie, Lim, Byungkwon, Skrabalak, Sara E.. Formkontrolle bei der Synthese von Metallnanokristallen: einfache Chemie, komplexe Physik?. Angewandte Chemie, vol.121, no.1, 62-108.

  27. Li, Wei, Deng, Yonghui, Wu, Zhangxiong, Qian, Xufang, Yang, Jianping, Wang, Yao, Gu, Dong, Zhang, Fan, Tu, Bo, Zhao, Dongyuan. Hydrothermal Etching Assisted Crystallization: A Facile Route to Functional Yolk-Shell Titanate Microspheres with Ultrathin Nanosheets-Assembled Double Shells. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.133, no.40, 15830-15833.

  28. Huang, Yun, Huang, Xiao-lei, Lian, Jian-she, Xu, Dan, Wang, Li-min, Zhang, Xin-bo. Self-assembly of ultrathin porous NiO nanosheets/graphene hierarchical structure for high-capacity and high-rate lithium storage. Journal of materials chemistry, vol.22, no.7, 2844-2847.

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  32. Xiong, Y., Xia, Y.. Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Metal Nanostructures: The Case of Palladium. Advanced materials, vol.19, no.20, 3385-3391.

  33. Hong, Jong Wook, Kim, Minjune, Kim, Yena, Han, Sang Woo. Trisoctahedral Au–Pd Alloy Nanocrystals with High‐Index Facets and Their Excellent Catalytic Performance. Chemistry : a European journal, vol.18, no.52, 16626-16630.

  34. Millstone, Jill E., Wei, Wei, Jones, Matthew R., Yoo, Hyojong, Mirkin, Chad A.. Iodide Ions Control Seed-Mediated Growth of Anisotropic Gold Nanoparticles. Nano letters : a journal dedicated to nanoscience and nanotechnology, vol.8, no.8, 2526-2529.

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  36. Hong, Jong Wook, Kim, Dongheun, Lee, Young Wook, Kim, Minjung, Kang, Shin Wook, Han, Sang Woo. Atomic‐Distribution‐Dependent Electrocatalytic Activity of Au–Pd Bimetallic Nanocrystals. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.50, no.38, 8876-8880.

  37. Hong, Jong Wook, Kim, Dongheun, Lee, Young Wook, Kim, Minjung, Kang, Shin Wook, Han, Sang Woo. Atomic‐Distribution‐Dependent Electrocatalytic Activity of Au–Pd Bimetallic Nanocrystals. Angewandte Chemie, vol.123, no.38, 9038-9042.

  38. Xin, Hongliang, Linic, Suljo. Communications: Exceptions to the d-band model of chemisorption on metal surfaces: The dominant role of repulsion between adsorbate states and metal d-states. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.132, no.22, 221101-.


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