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[해외논문] Effective Dispensing Methods for Loading Drugs Only to the Tip of DNA Microneedles 원문보기

Pharmaceutics, v.12 no.10, 2020년, pp.954 -   

Bok, Moonjeong (Nano-Convergence Mechanical Systems Research Division, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Daejeon 34103, Korea) ,  Zhao, Zhi-Jun (bokmj@kimm.re.kr (M.B.)) ,  Hwang, Soon Hyoung (zhaozhijun@kimm.re.kr (Z.-J.Z.)) ,  Kang, Hyeok-Joong (soon814@kimm.re.kr (S.H.H.)) ,  Jeon, Sohee (kanghj@kimm.re.kr (H.-J.K.)) ,  Ko, Jiwoo (sjeon@kimm.re.kr (S.J.)) ,  Jeong, Jiwon (jjiwoo@kimm.re.kr (J.K.)) ,  Song, Young Seok (Nano-Convergence Mechanical Systems Research Division, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Daejeon 34103, Korea) ,  Lim, Eunju (bokmj@kimm.re.kr (M.B.)) ,  Jeong, Jun-Ho (zhaozhijun@kimm.re.kr (Z.-J.Z.))

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Here, we propose a novel and simple method to efficiently capture the diffusion of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-dextran from a biocompatible substance and load the drug only to the tip of DNA microneedles. A dispensing and suction method was chosen to fabricate the designed microneedles with ef...


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