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[해외논문] Nanoporous Silicon Thin Film-Based Hydrogen Sensor Using Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching with Annealed Palladium Nanoparticles

ACS applied materials & interfaces, v.12 no.39, 2020년, pp.43614 - 43623  

Kim, Hyeonggyun (Department of Mechanical Engineering , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , Daejeon 34141 , Republic of Korea) ,  Yun, Jeonghoon (School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering , Nanyang Technological University , 50 Nanyang Avenue , 639798 , Singapore) ,  Gao, Min (Department of Mechanical Engineering , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , Daejeon 34141 , Republic of Korea) ,  Kim, Hyeok (School of Electrical and Computer Engineering , University of Seoul , Seoul 02592 , Republic of Korea) ,  Cho, Minkyu (Department of Mechanical Engineering , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , Daejeon 34141 , Republic of Korea) ,  Park, Inkyu

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This article reports a nanoporous silicon (Si) thin-film-based high-performance and low-power hydrogen (H2) sensor fabricated by metal-assisted chemical etching (MaCE). The nanoporous Si thin film treated with Pd-based MaCE showed improvement over a flat Si thin film sensor in H2 response (ΔI/...


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