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[국내논문] Effect of an Alkoxyliertes Beta Naphthol on Cu Electrodeposition for Application to Low‐Resistivity Cu Interconnects 원문보기

Bulletin of the Korean chemical society, v.41 no.5, 2020년, pp.530 - 536  

Suh, Hoyoung (Electron Microscopy Research Center Korea Basic Science Institute Daejeon 34133 Korea) ,  Heo, Mina (Department of Physics Chungnam National University Daejeon 34134 Korea) ,  Lee, Ji‐Hyun (Electron Microscopy Research Center Korea Basic Science Institute Daejeon 34133 Korea) ,  Kim, Jin‐Gyu (Electron Microscopy Research Center Korea Basic Science Institute Daejeon 34133 Korea) ,  Hong, Kimin (Department of Physics Chungnam National University Daejeon 34134 Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Cu thin films were electrodeposited using electrolytes containing alkoxyliertes beta naphthol (ABN) as an organic additive, which shows a strong suppressing effect similar to PEG10000. The surface roughness of Cu thin film decreased, while the grain size remained unchanged with increasing ABN concen...

참고문헌 (30)

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  23. Tench, Dennis, Ogden, Cameron. A New Voltammetric Stripping Method Applied to the Determination of the Brightener Concentration in Copper Pyrophosphate Plating Baths. Journal of the Electrochemical Society : JES, vol.125, no.2, 194-198.

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  28. Suh, Hoyoung, Keum, Dongyeon, Kim, Jin-Gyu, Song, Kyung, Ko, Young-Dong, Chung, Jin-Seok, Hong, Kimin. Electroplating of Copper-Nickel Thin Films and Narrow Trenches. Electrochemical and solid-state letters, vol.14, no.12, H483-.

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