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[해외논문] DeepHIT: a deep learning framework for prediction of hERG-induced cardiotoxicity

Bioinformatics, v.36 no.10, 2020년, pp.3049 - 3055  

Ryu, Jae Yong (Information-based Drug Research Center , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, 34114 Daejeon, Republic of Korea) ,  Lee, Mi Young (Information-based Drug Research Center , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, 34114 Daejeon, Republic of Korea) ,  Lee, Jeong Hyun (Information-based Drug Research Center , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, 34114 Daejeon, Republic of Korea) ,  Lee, Byung Ho (Information-based Drug Research Center , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, 34114 Daejeon, Republic of Korea) ,  Oh, Kwang-Seok (Information-based Drug Research Center , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, 34114 Daejeon, Republic of Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractMotivationBlockade of the human ether-à-go-go-related gene (hERG) channel by small compounds causes a prolonged QT interval that can lead to severe cardiotoxicity and is a major cause of the many failures in drug development. Thus, evaluating the hERG-blocking activity of small compou...

참고문헌 (33)

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