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[해외논문] KSTAR Status and Upgrade Plan Toward Fusion Reactor

IEEE transactions on plasma science, v.48 no.6 pt.1, 2020년, pp.1388 - 1395  

Kwak, Jong-Gu (National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Rhee, T. (National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Han, H. (National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Kang, J. S. (National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Bak, J. G. (National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Ahn, H. J. (National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Nam, Y. U. (National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Kim, H. S. (National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Kim, M. (National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Ko, W. H. (National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Yoon, S. W. (National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Kim, W. C. (National F) ,  Park, K. R.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) program has made significant advances in the development of long pulse and high-performance plasma scenarios, utilizing the advantages of the fully superconducting tokamak. Ten years of KSTAR operation have produced outstanding progress in plas...

참고문헌 (25)

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  9. Snyder, P.B., Solomon, W.M., Burrell, K.H., Garofalo, A.M., Grierson, B.A., Groebner, R.J., Leonard, A.W., Nazikian, R., Osborne, T.H., Belli, E.A., Candy, J., Wilson, H.R.. Super H-mode: theoretical prediction and initial observations of a new high performance regime for tokamak operation. Nuclear fusion. Fusion nucléaire. &n.Illigat;&n.Arligat;derny&n.ibreve; sintez. Fusión nuclear, vol.55, no.8, 083026-.

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  12. Chung, J., Kim, H.S., Jeon, Y.M., Kim, J., Choi, M.J., Ko, J., Lee, K.D., Lee, H.H., Yi, S., Kwon, J.M., Hahn, S.-H., Ko, W.H., Lee, J.H., Yoon, S.W.. Formation of the internal transport barrier in KSTAR. Nuclear fusion. Fusion nucléaire. &n.Illigat;&n.Arligat;derny&n.ibreve; sintez. Fusión nuclear, vol.58, no.1, 016019-.

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  17. Van Zeeland, M.A., Heidbrink, W.W., Sharapov, S.E., Spong, D., Cappa, A., Chen, Xi, Collins, C., García-Muñoz, M., Gorelenkov, N.N., Kramer, G.J., Lauber, P., Lin, Z., Petty, C.. Electron cyclotron heating can drastically alter reversed shear Alfvén eigenmode activity in DIII-D through finite pressure effects. Nuclear fusion. Fusion nucléaire. &n.Illigat;&n.Arligat;derny&n.ibreve; sintez. Fusión nuclear, vol.56, no.11, 112007-.

  18. Hahn, Sang-hee, Penaflor, B.G., Milne, P.G., Bak, J.G., Eidietis, N.W., Han, H., Hong, J.S., Jeon, Y.M., Johnson, R.D., Kim, H.-S., Kim, HeungSu, Kim, Y.J., Kwon, G.I., Lee, W.R., Woo, M.H., Sammuli, B.S., Walker, M.L.. Achievements and lessons learned from the operation of KSTAR plasma control system upgrade. Fusion engineering and design, vol.130, 16-20.

  19. Gorelenkov, N.N., Pinches, S.D., Toi, K.. Energetic particle physics in fusion research in preparation for burning plasma experiments. Nuclear fusion. Fusion nucléaire. &n.Illigat;&n.Arligat;derny&n.ibreve; sintez. Fusión nuclear, vol.54, no.12, 125001-.

  20. Snyder, P.B., Groebner, R.J., Hughes, J.W., Osborne, T.H., Beurskens, M., Leonard, A.W., Wilson, H.R., Xu, X.Q.. A first-principles predictive model of the pedestal height and width: development, testing and ITER optimization with the EPED model. Nuclear fusion. Fusion nucléaire. &n.Illigat;&n.Arligat;derny&n.ibreve; sintez. Fusión nuclear, vol.51, no.10, 103016-.

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  22. Meneghini, O., Smith, S.P., Lao, L.L., Izacard, O., Ren, Q., Park, J.M., Candy, J., Wang, Z., Luna, C.J., Izzo, V.A., Grierson, B.A., Snyder, P.B., Holland, C., Penna, J., Lu, G., Raum, P., McCubbin, A., Orlov, D.M., Belli, E.A., Ferraro, N.M., Prater, R., Osborne, T.H., Turnbull, A.D., Staebler, G.M.. Integrated modeling applications for tokamak experiments with OMFIT. Nuclear fusion. Fusion nucléaire. &n.Illigat;&n.Arligat;derny&n.ibreve; sintez. Fusión nuclear, vol.55, no.8, 083008-.

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  24. Buttery, R. J., Covele, B., Ferron, J., Garofalo, A., Holcomb, C. T., Leonard, T., Park, J. M., Petrie, T., Petty, C., Staebler, G., Strait, E. J., Van Zeeland, M.. DIII-D Research to Prepare for Steady State Advanced Tokamak Power Plants. Journal of fusion energy, vol.38, no.1, 72-111.

  25. Shiraki, D., Commaux, N., Baylor, L.R., Cooper, C.M., Eidietis, N.W., Hollmann, E.M., Paz-Soldan, C., Combs, S.K., Meitner, S.J.. Dissipation of post-disruption runaway electron plateaus by shattered pellet injection in DIII-D. Nuclear fusion. Fusion nucléaire. &n.Illigat;&n.Arligat;derny&n.ibreve; sintez. Fusión nuclear, vol.58, no.5, 056006-.


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