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[해외논문] High-Speed and Cost-Effective Reflective Terahertz Imaging System Using a Novel 2D Beam Scanner

Journal of lightwave technology : a joint IEEE/OSA publication, v.38 no.16, 2020년, pp.4237 - 4243  

Lee, Eui Su (Terahertz Research Section, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Kim, Mugeon (Terahertz Research Section, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Moon, Kiwon (Terahertz Research Section, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Lee, Il-Min (Terahertz Research Section, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Park, Dong Woo (Terahertz Research Section, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Shin, Jun-Hwan (Terahertz Research Section, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Kim, Hyun-Soo (Terahertz Research Section, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Choi, Da-Hye (Terahertz Research Section, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Choi, Kyeong Sun (Terahertz Research Section, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Lee, Dong Hun (Photonic) ,  Park, Kyung Hyun

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Nondestructive THz imaging technology is a promising technology in several industrial applications such as process monitoring and quality control. To further popularize the application of this technique in the industry, we developed photonics-based devices such as a dual-mode laser, uni-travelling c...

참고문헌 (16)

  1. Lee, Eui Su, Moon, Kiwon, Lee, Il-Min, Kim, Hyun-Soo, Park, Dong Woo, Park, Jeong-Woo, Lee, Dong Hun, Han, Sang-Pil, Kim, Namje, Park, Kyung Hyun. Semiconductor-Based Terahertz Photonics for Industrial Applications. Journal of lightwave technology : a joint IEEE/OSA publication, vol.36, no.2, 274-283.

  2. Jones, Steven, Jae-Young Kim, Doi, Yoshiyuki, Yamada, Takashi, Koshobu, Nobutatsu, Togo, Hiroyoshi. Ultra-Wideband Tunable Dual-Mode Laser for Continuous Wave Terahertz Generation. Journal of lightwave technology : a joint IEEE/OSA publication, vol.32, no.20, 3461-3467.

  3. Kim, Namje, Han, Sang-Pil, Ko, Hyunsung, Leem, Young Ahn, Ryu, Han-Cheol, Lee, Chul Wook, Lee, Donghun, Jeon, Min Yong, Noh, Sam Kyu, Park, Kyung Hyun. Tunable continuous-wave terahertz generation/detection with compact 155 μm detuned dual-mode laser diode and InGaAs based photomixer. Optics express, vol.19, no.16, 15397-.

  4. Kim, N, Ryu, H-C, Lee, D, Han, S-P, Ko, H, Moon, K, Park, J-W, Jeon, M Y, Park, K H. Monolithically integrated optical beat sources toward a single-chip broadband terahertz emitter. Laser physics letters, vol.10, no.8, 085805-.

  5. 10.1364/UEO.1997.UC3 

  6. Ishibashi, Tadao, Muramoto, Yoshifumi, Yoshimatsu, Toshihide, Ito, Hiroshi. Unitraveling-Carrier Photodiodes for Terahertz Applications. IEEE journal on selected topics in quantum electronics : a publication of the IEEE Communications Society, vol.20, no.6, 79-88.

  7. Kujime, Yusuke, Fujita, Masayuki, Nagatsuma, Tadao. Terahertz Tag Using Photonic-Crystal Slabs. Journal of lightwave technology : a joint IEEE/OSA publication, vol.36, no.19, 4386-4392.

  8. Han, Sang-Pil, Ko, Hyunsung, Kim, Namje, Lee, Won-Hui, Moon, Kiwon, Lee, Il-Min, Lee, Eui Su, Lee, Dong Hun, Lee, Wangjoo, Han, Seong-Tae, Choi, Sung-Wook, Park, Kyung Hyun. Real-time continuous-wave terahertz line scanner based on a compact 1 × 240 InGaAs Schottky barrier diode array detector. Optics express, vol.22, no.23, 28977-.

  9. Mittleman, Daniel M.. Perspective: Terahertz science and technology. Journal of applied physics, vol.122, no.23, 230901-.

  10. Ji, Young Bin, Oh, Seung Jae, Kang, Seok-Gu, Heo, Jung, Kim, Sang-Hoon, Choi, Yuna, Song, Seungri, Son, Hye Young, Kim, Se Hoon, Lee, Ji Hyun, Haam, Seung Joo, Huh, Yong Min, Chang, Jong Hee, Joo, Chulmin, Suh, Jin-Suck. Terahertz reflectometry imaging for low and high grade gliomas. Scientific reports, vol.6, 36040-.

  11. Choi, Da-Hye, Lee, Il-Min, Moon, Kiwon, Park, Dong Woo, Lee, Eui Su, Park, Kyung Hyun. Terahertz continuous wave system using phase shift interferometry for measuring the thickness of sub-100-μm-thick samples without frequency sweep. Optics express, vol.27, no.10, 14695-.

  12. Yahng, Ji Sang, Park, Choon-Su, Don Lee, Hwi, Kim, Chang-Seok, Yee, Dae-Su. High-speed frequency-domain terahertz coherence tomography. Optics express, vol.24, no.2, 1053-.

  13. Ok, Gyeongsik, Park, Kisang, Kim, Hyun Jung, Chun, Hyang Sook, Choi, Sung-Wook. High-speed terahertz imaging toward food quality inspection. Applied optics, vol.53, no.7, 1406-.

  14. Haaser, M., Karrout, Y., Velghe, C., Cuppok, Y., Gordon, K.C., Pepper, M., Siepmann, J., Rades, T., Taday, P.F., Strachan, C.J.. Application of terahertz pulsed imaging to analyse film coating characteristics of sustained-release coated pellets. International journal of pharmaceutics, vol.457, no.2, 521-526.

  15. Jepsen, P.U., Cooke, D.G., Koch, M.. Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging - Modern techniques and applications. Laser & photonics reviews, vol.5, no.1, 124-166.

  16. Ok, Gyeongsik, Park, Kisang, Chun, Hyang Sook, Chang, Hyun-Joo, Lee, Nari, Choi, Sung-Wook. High-performance sub-terahertz transmission imaging system for food inspection. Biomedical optics express, vol.6, no.5, 1929-.


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