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[해외논문] Machine-Learning-Based Read Reference Voltage Estimation for NAND Flash Memory Systems Without Knowledge of Retention Time 원문보기

IEEE access : practical research, open solutions, v.8, 2020년, pp.176416 - 176429  

Choe, Hyemin (Samsung Research, Seoul, South Korea) ,  Jee, Jeongju (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Electrical Engineering, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Lim, Seung-Chan (Agency for Defense Development, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Joe, Sung Min (Samsung Electronics, Hwaseong, South Korea) ,  Park, Il Han (Samsung Electronics, Hwaseong, South Korea) ,  Park, Hyuncheol (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Electrical Engineering, Daejeon, South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

To achieve a low error rate of NAND flash memory, reliable reference voltages should be updated based on the accurate knowledge of program/erase (P/E) cycles and retention time, because those severely distort the threshold voltage distribution of memory cell. Due to the sensitivity to the temperatur...

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