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[해외논문] Cooperating Edge Cloud-Based Hybrid Online Learning for Accelerated Energy Data Stream Processing in Load Forecasting 원문보기

IEEE access : practical research, open solutions, v.8, 2020년, pp.199120 - 199132  

Lee, Changha (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Electrical Engineering, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Kim, Seong-Hwan (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Electrical Engineering, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Youn, Chan-Hyun (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Electrical Engineering, Daejeon, South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The data analysis platform used in smart grid is important to provide more accurate data validation and advanced power services. Recently, the researches based on deep neural network have been increasing in data analytic platforms to address various problems using artificial intelligence. The main p...

참고문헌 (23)

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