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[해외논문] Low-risk beginning of the density control on the KSTAR plasmas

Fusion engineering and design, v.160, 2020년, pp.111706 -   

Juhn, June-Woo (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Hwang, Y.S. (Seoul National University) ,  Hahn, S.H. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Nam, Y.U. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Kim, K.P. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Kim, Y.O. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Song, J.I. (National Fusion Research Institute)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract During the early campaigns of the KSTAR project, feedback control of plasma density has been successfully commissioned at the very first attempt by using a transfer function analysis. In order to minimize a chance of any risk happening, a stable and robust Ohmic discharge was chosen as a t...


참고문헌 (22)

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