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[해외논문] Plasma jet assisted carbonization and activation of coffee ground waste 원문보기

Environment international, v.145, 2020년, pp.106113 -   

Kang, Hongjae (Plasma Engineering Laboratory, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) ,  Choi, Seongil (Plasma Engineering Laboratory, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) ,  Lee, Jin Hee (Center for Environment and Sustainable Resources, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) ,  Kim, Kwan-Tae (Plasma Engineering Laboratory, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) ,  Song, Young-Hoon (Plasma Engineering Laboratory, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) ,  Lee, Dae Hoon (Plasma Engineering Laboratory, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Activated carbon has been extensively utilized to adsorb pollutants generated by industrial activities. There have been many attempts to efficiently produce activated carbon from spent coffee grounds in the field of environmental technology. In this study, the feasibility of the novel prod...


참고문헌 (28)

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