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[해외논문] Extraction of microalgal oil from Nannochloropsis oceanica by potassium hydroxide-assisted solvent extraction for heterogeneous transesterification

Renewable energy, v.162, 2020년, pp.2056 - 2065  

Park, Ji-Yeon (Biomass and Waste to Energy Laboratory, Korea Institute of Energy Research) ,  Kim, Min-Cheol (Biomass and Waste to Energy Laboratory, Korea Institute of Energy Research) ,  Cheng, Jun (State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Zhejiang University) ,  Yang, Weijuan (State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Zhejiang University) ,  Kim, Deog-Keun (Biomass and Waste to Energy Laboratory, Korea Institute of Energy Research)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract The feasibility of potassium hydroxide for simultaneous removal of chlorophyll during solvent extraction from wet microalgae (200 g/L) was evaluated. Extracted oil was converted to biodiesel by ZSM-5-based heterogeneous catalysts. The total oil (fatty acid-based) content of Nannochlorposis...


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