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[해외논문] Catalytic steam reforming of glycerol over Ni–La2O3–CeO2/SBA-15 catalyst for stable hydrogen-rich gas production

International journal of hydrogen energy, v.45 no.53, 2020년, pp.28462 - 28475  

Moogi, Surendar (School of Environmental Engineering, University of Seoul) ,  Lee, In-Gu (Energy Resource Upcycling Laboratory, Korea Institute of Energy Research) ,  Hwang, Kyung-Ran (Energy Resource Upcycling Laboratory, Korea Institute of Energy Research)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Ni-based catalysts (Ni, Ni–La2O3, and Ni–La2O3–CeO2) on mesoporous silica supports (SBA-15 and KIT-6) were prepared by an incipient wetness impregnation and tested in glycerol steam reforming (GSR) for hydrogen-rich gas production. The catalysts were characterized by the ...


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