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[해외논문] Randomized Controlled Trial of the Caregiver Orientation for Mobilizing Personal Assets and Strengths for Self-Care (COMPASS) for Caregiving Journey: A National Family Caregiver Support Program in a Long-Term Care Insurance System

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, v.21 no.12, 2020년, pp.1906 - 1913.e3  

Han, Eun-Jeong (Health Insurance Policy Research Institute, National Health Insurance Service) ,  Park, Myonghwa (College of Nursing, Chungnam National University) ,  Park, Seyoung (Health Insurance Policy Research Institute, National Health Insurance Service) ,  Giap, Thi-Thanh-Tinh (College of Nursing, Chungnam National University) ,  Han, Duhee (Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Objectives To investigate the effects of a national support program on family caregivers for long-term care (LTC) recipients. Design A single-blinded randomized controlled trial compared the 8-week Caregiver Orientation for Mobilizing Personal Assets and Strengths for Self-Care (COMPASS)...


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