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[해외논문] Major, trace and rare earth elements dynamics in decomposing litters on successional sites in a cool temperate region of South Korea

The Science of the total environment, v.749, 2020년, pp.142352 -   

Gautam, Mukesh Kumar (Division of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea Basic Science Institute) ,  Lee, Kwang-Sik (Division of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea Basic Science Institute) ,  Berg, Björn (Section of Biology, University of Gä) ,  Song, Byeong-Yeol (vle)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Evaluating the decomposition-based change dynamics of various elements in plant litter is important for improving our understanding about their biogeochemical cycling in ecosystems. We have studied the concentrations of major, trace, and rare earth elements (REEs) (34 elements) in green ti...


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