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NTIS 바로가기Results in physics, v.19, 2020년, pp.103499 -
Bae, Ji Yong (Division of Scientific Instrumentation and Management, Korea Basic Science Institute) , Jeon, Cheonha (Center for Relativistic Laser Science, Institute for Basic Science) , Pae, Ki Hong (Center for Relativistic Laser Science, Institute for Basic Science) , Kim, Chul Min (Center for Relativistic Laser Science, Institute for Basic Science) , Kim, Hong Seung (Division of Scientific Instrumentation and Management, Korea Basic Science Institute) , Han, Ilkyu (Division of Scientific Instrumentation and Management, Korea Basic Science Institute) , Yeo, Woo-Jong (Division of Scientific Instrumentation and Management, Korea Basic Science Institute) , Jeong, Byeongjoon (Division of Scientific Instrumentation and Management, Korea Basic Science Institute) , Jeon, Minwoo (Division of Scientific Instrumentation and Management, Korea B) , Lee, Dong-Ho , Kim, Dong Uk , Hyun, Sangwon , Hur, Hwan , Lee, Kye-Sung , Kim, Geon Hee , Chang, Ki Soo , Choi, Il Woo , Nam, Chang Hee , Kim, I Jong
Abstract In laser-plasma interactions (LPI), the laser beam mode is a critical parameter when trying to explore new physical phenomena. Of the various spatial beam modes, the Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) mode with vortex phase has attracted considerable attention due to its unique features, including the...
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