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[해외논문] Analysis of wear induced particle emissions from brake pads during the worldwide harmonized light vehicles test procedure (WLTP)

Wear: An international journal on the science and technology of friction, lubrication and wear, v.466/467, 2021년, pp.203539 -   

Park, Jongsung (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University) ,  Joo, Byungsoo (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University) ,  Seo, Hyungjo (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University) ,  Song, Wansu (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University) ,  Lee, Jung Ju (Research Institute, Sangsin Brake Co. Ltd.) ,  Lee, Wan Kyu (R&D Center, Hyundai Mobis Co. Ltd.) ,  Jang, Ho (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Brake emissions generated from brake systems were investigated to elucidate the mechanism of airborne particle generation using commercial brake pads. Brake emission tests were performed using a 1/5 scale brake dynamometer enclosed in a chamber, and the particles were counted using an elec...


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