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[국내논문] Implementation of Smart Cane using Beacon Communication for Visually Impaired People
비콘 통신을 이용한 시각 장애인을 위한 스마트 지팡이 구현 원문보기

디지털콘텐츠학회 논문지 = Journal of Digital Contents Society, v.21 no.3, 2020년, pp.453 - 461  

Jeong, Yae-Jin ,  Park, Na-Won ,  Kim, Dong-Hoi

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (15)

  1. 김병호. 시각장애인의 보행 보조를 위한 지팡이 메커니즘 설계. 로봇학회논문지 = The journal of Korea Robotics Society, vol.11, no.2, 108-114.

  2. The year 2000 Actual Condtion for Handicapped Persons, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, Dec. 2001. 

  3. [Internet]. Available: https://kocoafab.cc/tutorial/view/357 

  4. Drawing Art & Art Model [Internet]. Available: https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=kingpinur&logNo=110154005446&proxyReferer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F 

  5. Y. S. Lee and S. M. Son, “Smart system using Arduino for blind”, Korea Information Science Society, pp. 2108-2110, June 2015. 

  6. Lim, Su-Min, Shin, Min-Jae, Kim, Dong-Hoi. Implementation of Radio Control Vehicle based on Acceleration Sensor by Hand Motion. 디지털콘텐츠학회 논문지 = Journal of Digital Contents Society, vol.20, no.2, 261-270.

  7. UltraCane by Hoyle B, Withington D, Waters D, 2006 [Internet]. Available: http://www.soundforesight.co.uk/index.html 

  8. 조병호. 블루투스 4.0 기술을 이용한 음식점 광고/주문 시스템 설계. The journal of the institute of internet, broadcasting and communication : JIIBC, vol.15, no.1, 69-76.

  9. 10.7236/JIIBC.2017.17.1.25 J. S. Kim, Y. K. Kim and G. C Hoang, “A Study on Indoor Position-Tracking System Using RSSI Characteristics of Beacon,” The Journal of The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication(IIBC), Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 85-90, Oct. 2017. 

  10. H. S. Kang and I. S. Koo, “Beacon Node Based Localization Algorithm Using Received Signal Strength(RSS) and Path Loss Calibration for Wireless Sensor,” The Journal of The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication (IIBC), Vol 11, No. 1, pp 15-21, Dec. 31 2017. 

  11. D. M. Jang and J. Y. Ham, “Indoor location-based services for the visually impaired and the hearing impaired using Bluetooth low energy beacon,” University of Seowon, Republic of Korea, K-ICT Co.,Ltd., pp. 362-363, Dec. 08, 2017. 

  12. Arai, Masafumi, Mitsuke, Hironori, Ikeda, Masami, Xia, Jun-Xiong, Kikuchi, Takashi, Satake, Masanobu, Shimizu, Toshio. ConPred II: a consensus prediction method for obtaining transmembrane topology models with high reliability. Nucleic acids research, vol.32, no.suppl2, W390-W393.

  13. http://www.korea.kr/main.do [Internet]. Available: http://www.korea.kr/news/healthView.do?newsId=148704684 

  14. [Internet]. Available: https://cafe.naver.com/openrt/6206 

  15. http://www.korea.kr/main.do [Internet]. Available: https://namu.wiki/w/%EC%8B%9C%EC%95%BC%EA%B0%81 

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