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[해외논문] Recent progress in the design of the K-DEMO divertor 원문보기

Fusion engineering and design, v.159, 2020년, pp.111770 -   

Kwon, Sungjin (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Im, Kihak (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Hong, Suk-Ho (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Lee, Hyungho (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Rognlien, Thomas D. (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) ,  Meyer, William (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) ,  Kim, Keeman (National Fusion Research Institute)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract The preliminary conceptual design of the Korean fusion demonstration reactor (K-DEMO) with a major radius of 6.8 m and the fusion power of 2200 MW has been studied since 2012. The overall configuration of the K-DEMO divetor system based on the ITER-like water-cooled tungsten technology is ...


참고문헌 (25)

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