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[해외논문] Evaluation of the Backup Signal-processing System of the KSTAR Quench Detection System

Fusion engineering and design, v.159, 2020년, pp.111791 -   

Yonekawa, Hirofumi (Corresponding author.) ,  Kim, Jinsub ,  Kim, Young-ok ,  Kim, Kwang-pyo ,  Chu, Yong

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract The Quench Detection System (QDS) of the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) has been operated to prevent from overheating the superconducting coil system for 11 years. The QDS discriminates a normal voltage of ∼100 mV on NbTi or Nb3Sn cable-in-conduit conductors in...


참고문헌 (10)

  1. Oh 361 2012 Superconductor Application to the Magnetic Fusion Devices for the Steady-State Plasma Confinement Achievement 

  2. Cryogenics Park 52-12 667 2012 10.1016/j.cryogenics.2012.05.017 Key features of the KSTAR helium refrigeration system 

  3. Nucl. Eng. Technol. Choi 40-46 459 2008 10.5516/NET.2008.40.6.459 Overview of superconducting magnet power supply system for the KSTAR 1st plasma experiment 

  4. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. Yonekawa 24-33 2014 Experimental evaluation of the influence of external current on the KSTAR TF quench detection system 

  5. Fusion Eng. Des. Hu 88-2 73 2013 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2012.11.009 Study of electromagnetic noise influence on quench detection system under different discharge conditions for EAST 

  6. Fusion Eng. Des. Birus 82-5-82-14 1400 2007 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2007.04.054 Development of quench detection system for W7-X 

  7. Fusion Eng. Des. Murakami 87-1 23 2012 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2011.08.005 Quench detection of fast plasma events for the JT-60SA central solenoid 

  8. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. Coatanea-Gouachet 25-3 2015 Electromagnetic quench detection in ITER superconducting magnet systems 

  9. Ieee Trans. Appl. Supercond. Nicollet 23-3 2013 Secondary thermohydraulic quench detection for the ITER correction coils 

  10. IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. Kim 44-49 1758 2016 10.1109/TPS.2016.2542863 Development and experimental evaluation of a prototype of the TF secondary quench detection system for KSTAR device 


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