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[해외논문] In situ TEM observation of the heat–induced degradation of single– and triple–cation planar perovskite solar cells

Nano energy, v.77, 2020년, pp.105164 -   

Seo, You-Hyun (Department of Flexible and Printable Electronics and LANL-CBNU Engineering Institute-Korea, Jeonbuk National University) ,  Kim, Jun Hee (Korea Basic Science Institute) ,  Kim, Do-Hyung (KEPCO Research Institute, Korea Electric Power Corporation) ,  Chung, Hee-Suk (Korea Basic Science Institute) ,  Na, Seok-In (Department of Flexible and Printable Electronics and LANL-CBNU Engineering Institute-Korea, Jeonbuk National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Benefiting from the structural stability of the formamidium and Cs cation by tuning the methylammonium while partially replacing iodine with Br, the triple–cation perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have shown improved power conversion efficiency (PCE) and thermal stability, compared to si...


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