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[해외논문] CO2‐Reductive, Copper Oxide‐Based Photobiocathode for Z‐Scheme Semi‐Artificial Leaf Structure

ChemSusChem, v.13 no.11, 2020년, pp.2940 - 2944  

Kuk, Su Keun (Department of Materials Science and Engineering Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 335 Science Road Daejeon 305-701 Republic of Korea) ,  Jang, Jinha (Department of Materials Science and Engineering Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 335 Science Road Daejeon 305-701 Republic of Korea) ,  Kim, Jinhyun (Department of Materials Science and Engineering Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 335 Science Road Daejeon 305-701 Republic of Korea) ,  Lee, Youngjun (Department of Chemical Engineering Konkuk University 120 Neungdong-ro Seoul 143-701 Republic of Korea) ,  Kim, Young Sin (Department of Chemical Engineering Konkuk University 120 Neungdong-ro Seoul 143-701 Republic of Korea) ,  Koo, Bonhyeong (Department of Materials Science and Engineering Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 335 Science Road Daejeon 305-701 Republic of Korea) ,  Lee, Yang Woo (Department of Materials Science and Engineering Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 335 Science Road Daejeon 305-701 Republic of Korea) ,  Ko, Jong Wan (Korea Institute of Industrial Te) ,  Shin, Byungha ,  Lee, Jung‐Kul ,  Park, Chan Beum

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractGreen plants convert sunlight into high‐energy chemicals by coupling solar‐driven water oxidation in the Z‐scheme and CO2 fixation in the Calvin cycle. In this study, formate dehydrogenase from Clostridium ljungdahlii (ClFDH) is interfaced with a TiO2‐coated CuFeO...

참고문헌 (48)

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  9. Kuk, Su Keun, Ham, Youngjin, Gopinath, Krishnasamy, Boonmongkolras, Passarut, Lee, Youngjun, Lee, Yang Woo, Kondaveeti, Sanath, Ahn, Changui, Shin, Byungha, Lee, Jung‐Kul, Jeon, Seokwoo, Park, Chan Beum. Continuous 3D Titanium Nitride Nanoshell Structure for Solar‐Driven Unbiased Biocatalytic CO2 Reduction. Advanced energy materials, vol.9, no.25, 1900029-.

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  11. Kuk, Su Keun, Singh, Raushan K, Nam, Dong Heon, Singh, Ranjitha, Lee, Jung‐Kul, Park, Chan Beum. Photoelectrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Methanol through a Highly Efficient Enzyme Cascade. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.56, no.14, 3827-3832.

  12. Kuk, Su Keun, Singh, Raushan K, Nam, Dong Heon, Singh, Ranjitha, Lee, Jung‐Kul, Park, Chan Beum. Photoelectrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Methanol through a Highly Efficient Enzyme Cascade. Angewandte Chemie, vol.129, no.14, 3885-3890.

  13. Son, Eun Jin, Ko, Jong Wan, Kuk, Su Keun, Choe, Hyunjun, Lee, Sumi, Kim, Jae Hong, Nam, Dong Heon, Ryu, Gyeong Min, Kim, Yong Hwan, Park, Chan Beum. Sunlight-assisted, biocatalytic formate synthesis from CO2 and water using silicon-based photoelectrochemical cells. Chemical communications : Chem comm, vol.52, no.62, 9723-9726.

  14. Nam, Dong Heon, Kuk, Su Keun, Choe, Hyunjun, Lee, Sumi, Ko, Jong Wan, Son, Eun Jin, Choi, Eun-Gyu, Kim, Yong Hwan, Park, Chan Beum. Enzymatic photosynthesis of formate from carbon dioxide coupled with highly efficient photoelectrochemical regeneration of nicotinamide cofactors. Green chemistry : an international journal and green chemistry resource : GC, vol.18, no.22, 5989-5993.

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  16. Lee, Sahng Ha, Choi, Da Som, Kuk, Su Keun, Park, Chan Beum. Photobiocatalysis: Activating Redox Enzymes by Direct or Indirect Transfer of Photoinduced Electrons. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.57, no.27, 7958-7985.

  17. Lee, Sahng Ha, Choi, Da Som, Kuk, Su Keun, Park, Chan Beum. Photobiokatalyse: Aktivierung von Redoxenzymen durch direkten oder indirekten Transfer photoinduzierter Elektronen. Angewandte Chemie, vol.130, no.27, 8086-8116.

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  19. Kuk, Su Keun, Gopinath, Krishnasamy, Singh, Raushan K., Kim, Tae-Doo, Lee, Youngjun, Choi, Woo Seok, Lee, Jung-Kul, Park, Chan Beum. NADH-Free Electroenzymatic Reduction of CO2 by Conductive Hydrogel-Conjugated Formate Dehydrogenase. ACS catalysis, vol.9, no.6, 5584-5589.

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  26. Choi, Da Som, Lee, Hojin, Tieves, Florian, Lee, Yang Woo, Son, Eun Jin, Zhang, Wuyuan, Shin, Byungha, Hollmann, Frank, Park, Chan Beum. Bias-Free In Situ H2O2 Generation in a Photovoltaic-Photoelectrochemical Tandem Cell for Biocatalytic Oxyfunctionalization. ACS catalysis, vol.9, no.11, 10562-10566.

  27. Kim, Kayoung, Lee, Sahng Ha, Choi, Da Som, Park, Chan Beum. Photoactive Bismuth Vanadate Structure for Light‐Triggered Dissociation of Alzheimer's β‐Amyloid Aggregates. Advanced functional materials, vol.28, no.41, 1802813-.

  28. Son, Eun Jin, Lee, Sahng Ha, Kuk, Su Keun, Pesic, Milja, Choi, Da Som, Ko, Jong Wan, Kim, Kayoung, Hollmann, Frank, Park, Chan Beum. Carbon Nanotube–Graphitic Carbon Nitride Hybrid Films for Flavoenzyme‐Catalyzed Photoelectrochemical Cells. Advanced functional materials, vol.28, no.24, 1705232-.

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  31. Kim, Jinhyun, Lee, Sahng Ha, Tieves, Florian, Choi, Da Som, Hollmann, Frank, Paul, Caroline E., Park, Chan Beum. Biocatalytic C=C Bond Reduction through Carbon Nanodot‐Sensitized Regeneration of NADH Analogues. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.57, no.42, 13825-13828.

  32. Kim, Jinhyun, Lee, Sahng Ha, Tieves, Florian, Choi, Da Som, Hollmann, Frank, Paul, Caroline E., Park, Chan Beum. Biocatalytic C=C Bond Reduction through Carbon Nanodot‐Sensitized Regeneration of NADH Analogues. Angewandte Chemie, vol.130, no.42, 14021-14024.

  33. Kim, Jinhyun, Lee, Sahng Ha, Tieves, Florian, Choi, Da Som, Hollmann, Frank, Paul, Caroline E., Park, Chan Beum. Biocatalytic C=C Bond Reduction through Carbon Nanodot‐Sensitized Regeneration of NADH Analogues. Angewandte Chemie, vol.130, no.42, 14021-14024.

  34. Son, Giyeong, Kim, Jinhyun, Park, Chan Beum. Interference of Solvatochromic Twist in Amyloid Nanostructure for Light-Driven Biocatalysis. ACS applied energy materials, vol.3, no.1, 1215-1221.

  35. Yoon, Jaeho, Lee, Sahng Ha, Tieves, Florian, Rauch, Marine, Hollmann, Frank, Park, Chan Beum. Light-Harvesting Dye-Alginate Hydrogel for Solar-Driven, Sustainable Biocatalysis of Asymmetric Hydrogenation. ACS sustainable chemistry et engineering, vol.7, no.6, 5632-5637.

  36. Son, Eun Jin, Lee, Yang Woo, Ko, Jong Wan, Park, Chan Beum. Amorphous Carbon Nitride as a Robust Photocatalyst for Biocatalytic Solar-to-Chemical Conversion. ACS sustainable chemistry et engineering, vol.7, no.2, 2545-2552.

  37. Son, Giyeong, Lee, Sahng Ha, Wang, Ding, Park, Chan Beum. Thioflavin T‐Amyloid Hybrid Nanostructure for Biocatalytic Photosynthesis. Small, vol.14, no.40, 1801396-.

  38. Ko, Jong Wan, Choi, Woo Seok, Kim, Jinhyun, Kuk, Su Keun, Lee, Sahng Ha, Park, Chan Beum. Self-Assembled Peptide-Carbon Nitride Hydrogel as a Light-Responsive Scaffold Material. Biomacromolecules, vol.18, no.11, 3551-3556.

  39. Lee, Sahng Ha, Choi, Da Som, Pesic, Milja, Lee, Yang Woo, Paul, Caroline E., Hollmann, Frank, Park, Chan Beum. Cofactor‐Free, Direct Photoactivation of Enoate Reductases for the Asymmetric Reduction of C=C Bonds. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.56, no.30, 8681-8685.

  40. Lee, Sahng Ha, Choi, Da Som, Pesic, Milja, Lee, Yang Woo, Paul, Caroline E., Hollmann, Frank, Park, Chan Beum. Cofactor‐Free, Direct Photoactivation of Enoate Reductases for the Asymmetric Reduction of C=C Bonds. Angewandte Chemie, vol.129, no.30, 8807-8811.

  41. Zhang, Kan, Ma, Ming, Li, Ping, Wang, Dong Hwan, Park, Jong Hyeok. Water Splitting Progress in Tandem Devices: Moving Photolysis beyond Electrolysis. Advanced energy materials, vol.6, no.15, 1600602-.

  42. Nam, Dong Heon, Zhang, Jenny Z., Andrei, Virgil, Kornienko, Nikolay, Heidary, Nina, Wagner, Andreas, Nakanishi, Kenichi, Sokol, Katarzyna P., Slater, Barnaby, Zebger, Ingo, Hofmann, Stephan, Fontecilla‐Camps, Juan C., Park, Chan Beum, Reisner, Erwin. Solar Water Splitting with a Hydrogenase Integrated in Photoelectrochemical Tandem Cells. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.57, no.33, 10595-10599.

  43. Nam, Dong Heon, Zhang, Jenny Z., Andrei, Virgil, Kornienko, Nikolay, Heidary, Nina, Wagner, Andreas, Nakanishi, Kenichi, Sokol, Katarzyna P., Slater, Barnaby, Zebger, Ingo, Hofmann, Stephan, Fontecilla‐Camps, Juan C., Park, Chan Beum, Reisner, Erwin. Solar Water Splitting with a Hydrogenase Integrated in Photoelectrochemical Tandem Cells. Angewandte Chemie, vol.130, no.33, 10755-10759.


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