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[해외논문] Control of electrical resistance and magnetoresistance by electric-field-driven oxygen ion migration in a single GdOx wire 원문보기

NPG Asia Materials, v.12 no.1, 2020년, pp.44 -   

Kang, Jun-Ho ,  Lee, Soogil ,  Lee, Taek-Hyeon ,  Yang, Ji-Seok ,  Lee, Jae Wook ,  Tae, Cheong Cheon ,  Jeong, Jong-Ryul ,  Park, Seung-Young ,  Park, Byong-Guk ,  Kim, Kab-Jin

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractElectric-field-driven ion migration can significantly modulate the electric and magnetic properties of solids, creating novel functionalities useful for advanced electromagnetic devices. Earlier works have used vertically stacked structures for this purpose, in which the redox process result...

참고문헌 (30)

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