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[해외논문] Phase calibration and uncertainty evaluation for a RF comb generator 원문보기

Measurement and control, v.53 no.3/4, 2020년, pp.698 - 703  

Cho, Chihyun (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon, Republic of Korea) ,  Koo, Hyunji (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon, Republic of Korea) ,  Kwon, Jae-Yong (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon, Republic of Korea) ,  Lee, Joo-Gwang (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon, Republic of Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, we present calibration and uncertainty evaluation methods for the phase of a radio-frequency comb generator using a calibrated sampling oscilloscope. In addition, we present many solutions that are indispensable for the precise calibration of phase up to 50 GHz. First, we correct the...

참고문헌 (20)

  1. Chihyun Cho, Joo-Gwang Lee, Jeong-Hwan Kim, Dae-Chan Kim. Uncertainty Analysis in EVM Measurement Using a Monte Carlo Simulation. IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement, vol.64, no.6, 1413-1418.

  2. Blockley, P.S., Scott, J.B., Gunyan, D., Parker, A.E.. The Random Component of Mixer-Based Nonlinear Vector Network Analyzer Measurement Uncertainty. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, vol.55, no.10, 2231-2239.

  3. Cho, Chihyun, Lee, Joo Gwang, Hale, Paul D., Jargon, Jeffrey A., Jeavons, Peter, Schlager, John B., Dienstfrey, Andrew. Calibration of Time-Interleaved Errors in Digital Real-Time Oscilloscopes. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, vol.64, no.11, 4071-4079.

  4. Kim, Dongju, Lee, Joo-Gwang, Lee, Dong-Joon, Cho, Chihyun. Traceable calibration for a digital real-time oscilloscope with time interleaving architecture. Measurement science & technology, vol.29, no.1, 015003-.

  5. 조치현, 이동준, 이주광. 샘플링 오실로스코프의 주파수 응답특성 교정. 韓國電磁波學會論文誌 = The journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science, vol.29, no.5, 344-352.

  6. 85th microwave measurement conference (ARFTG) Hale PD 1 

  7. Reader, H.C., Williams, D.F., Hale, P.D., Clement, T.S.. Comb-Generator Characterization. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, vol.56, no.2, 515-521.

  8. 41st European microwave conference Humphreys D 926 

  9. Hale, Paul D., Wang, C. M., Williams, Dylan F., Remley, Kate A., Wepman, Joshua D.. Compensation of Random and Systematic Timing Errors in Sampling Oscilloscopes. IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement, vol.55, no.6, 2146-2154.

  10. Cho, Chihyun, Lee, Joo-Gwang, Kang, Tae-Weon, Kang, No-Weon. Calibration and Uncertainty Analysis of Sample-Time Error on High Jitter of Samplers. Journal of electromagnetic engineering and science : JEES, vol.18, no.3, 169-174.

  11. odrpack. http://www.netlib.org/odrpack/ 

  12. 80th microwave measurement conference (ARFTG) Jargon JA 1 

  13. 10.1002/9781118391242 

  14. Avolio, Gustavo, Raffo, Antonio, Jargon, Jeffrey, Hale, Paul D., Schreurs, Dominique M. M.-P, Williams, Dylan F.. Evaluation of Uncertainty in Temporal Waveforms of Microwave Transistors. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, vol.63, no.7, 2353-2363.

  15. 85th microwave measurement conference (ARFTG) Jargon JA 1 

  16. Cho, Chihyun, Kang, Jin-Seob, Lee, Joo-Gwang, Koo, Hyunji. Characterization of a 1 mm (DC to 110 GHz) Calibration Kit for VNA. Journal of electromagnetic engineering and science : JEES, vol.19, no.4, 272-278.

  17. IEEE standard for precision coaxial connectors (DC to 110 GHz), IEEE Std 287-2007 (Revision of IEEE Std 287-1968), pp. 1-142, September 2007, http://www2.electron.frba.utn.edu.ar/~jcecconi/Bibliografia/02%20-%20Cables%20y%20Conectores%20coaxiales/IEEE%20287.pdf 

  18. Keysight technologies 85058B/E 1.85 mm calibration kits, 2015, http://www.testequipmenthq.com/datasheets/Keysight-85058B-Datasheet.pdf (accessed 10 October 2019). 

  19. 64th microwave measurement conference (ARFTG) Williams DF 9 

  20. Williams, D.F., Lewandowski, A., Clement, T.S., Wang, J.C.M., Hale, P.D., Morgan, J.M., Keenan, D.A., Dienstfrey, A.. Covariance-based uncertainty analysis of the NIST electrooptic sampling system. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, vol.54, no.1, 481-491.


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