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[해외논문] Microporous Organic Nanoparticles Anchoring CeO2 Materials: Reduced Toxicity and Efficient Reactive Oxygen Species‐Scavenging for Regenerative Wound Healing

ChemNanoMat : chemistry of nanomaterials for energy, biology and more, v.6 no.7, 2020년, pp.1104 - 1110  

Kim, Dong Wook (Department of Chemistry Sungkyunkwan University Suwon 16419 Korea) ,  Le, Thai Minh Duy (School of Chemical Engineering Theranostic Macromolecules Research Center Sungkyunkwan University Suwon 16419 Korea) ,  Lee, Sang Moon (Korea Basic Science Institute Daejeon 34133 Korea) ,  Kim, Hae Jin (Korea Basic Science Institute Daejeon 34133 Korea) ,  Ko, Yoon‐Joo (Laboratory of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance National Center for Inter-University Research Facilities (NCIRF) Seoul National University Seoul 08826 Korea) ,  Jeong, Ji Hoon (School of Pharmacy Theranostic Macromolecules Research Center Sungkyunkwan University Suwon 16419 Korea) ,  Thambi, Thavasyappan (School of Chemical Engineering Theranostic Macromolecules Research Center Sungkyunkwan University Suwon 16419 Korea) ,  Lee, Doo Sung (School of Chemical Engineering Theranostic Macromolecules Research Center Sungkyunkwan University Suwon 16419 Korea) ,  Son, Seung Uk (Department of Chemistry Sungkyunkwan University Suwon 16419 Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThis work shows that microporous organic polymer can be applied to the engineering of CeO2‐based antioxidant nanomaterials for in vivo regenerative wound healing. Whilst nanoparticulate CeO2 has shown excellent redox quenching of reactive oxygen species (ROS) because it is rich in oxy...

참고문헌 (75)

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  42. PallaviThese authors contributed equally., Pragyan, Bandyopadhyay, Sujoy, Louis, Jesna, Deshmukh, Arundhati, Patra, Abhijit. A soluble conjugated porous organic polymer: efficient white light emission in solution, nanoparticles, gel and transparent thin film. Chemical communications : Chem comm, vol.53, no.7, 1257-1260.

  43. Lee, Doo Hun, Ko, Kyoung Chul, Ko, Ju Hong, Kang, Shin Young, Lee, Sang Moon, Kim, Hae Jin, Ko, Yoon-Joo, Lee, Jin Yong, Son, Seung Uk. In Situ Water-Compatible Polymer Entrapment: A Strategy for Transferring Superhydrophobic Microporous Organic Polymers to Water. ACS Macro letters, vol.7, no.6, 651-655.

  44. Cho, Kyoungil, Lee, Sang Moon, Kim, Hae Jin, Ko, Yoon-Joo, Son, Seung Uk. Nanoparticulate and microporous solid acid catalysts bearing aliphatic sulfonic acids for biomass conversion. Chemical communications : Chem comm, vol.55, no.26, 3697-3700.

  45. Kim, Dong Wook, Kim, Da Hye, Jang, June Young, Ko, Yoon-Joo, Lee, Sang Moon, Kim, Hae Jin, Na, Kun, Son, Seung Uk. Microporous organic network nanoparticles for dual chemo-photodynamic cancer therapy. Journal of materials chemistry. B, Materials for biology and medicine, vol.7, no.26, 4118-4123.

  46. Kang, Shin Young, Kang, Chang Wan, Kim, Dong Wook, Myung, Yoon, Choi, Jaewon, Lee, Sang Moon, Kim, Hae Jin, Ko, Yoon‐Joo, Son, Seung Uk. Colloidal Template Synthesis of Nanomaterials by Using Microporous Organic Nanoparticles: The Case of C@MoS2 Nanoadsorbents. Chemistry, an Asian journal, vol.14, no.18, 3173-3180.

  47. Tan, Jing, Wan, Jiaxun, Guo, Jia, Wang, Changchun. Self-sacrificial template-induced modulation of conjugated microporous polymer microcapsules and shape-dependent enhanced photothermal efficiency for ablation of cancer cells. Chemical communications : Chem comm, vol.51, no.98, 17394-17397.

  48. Wang, Lei, Wang, Weiqi, Zheng, Xiaohua, Li, Zhensheng, Xie, Zhigang. Nanoscale Fluorescent Metal–Organic Framework@Microporous Organic Polymer Composites for Enhanced Intracellular Uptake and Bioimaging. Chemistry : a European journal, vol.23, no.6, 1379-1385.

  49. Zheng, Xiaohua, Wang, Lei, Pei, Qing, He, Shasha, Liu, Shi, Xie, Zhigang. Metal-Organic Framework@Porous Organic Polymer Nanocomposite for Photodynamic Therapy. Chemistry of materials : a publication of the American Chemical Society, vol.29, no.5, 2374-2381.

  50. Li, Zheng, Yang, Ying-Wei. Creation and bioapplications of porous organic polymer materials. Journal of materials chemistry. B, Materials for biology and medicine, vol.5, no.47, 9278-9290.

  51. JangThese authors contributed equally., June Young, Duong, Huu Thuy Trang, Lee, Sang Moon, Kim, Hae Jin, Ko, Yoon-Joo, Jeong, Ji Hoon, Lee, Doo Sung, Thambi, Thavasyappan, Son, Seung Uk. Folate decorated hollow spheres of microporous organic networks as drug delivery materials. Chemical communications : Chem comm, vol.54, no.29, 3652-3655.

  52. Jang, June Young, Le, Thai Minh Duy, Ko, Ju Hong, Ko, Yoon-Joo, Lee, Sang Moon, Kim, Hae Jin, Jeong, Ji Hoon, Thambi, Thavasyappan, Lee, Doo Sung, Son, Seung Uk. Triple-, Double-, and Single-Shelled Hollow Spheres of Sulfonated Microporous Organic Network as Drug Delivery Materials. Chemistry of materials : a publication of the American Chemical Society, vol.31, no.2, 300-304.

  53. Le, Thai Minh Duy, Duong, Huu Thuy Trang, Thambi, Thavasyappan, Giang Phan, V.H., Jeong, Ji Hoon, Lee, Doo Sung. Bioinspired pH- and Temperature-Responsive Injectable Adhesive Hydrogels with Polyplexes Promotes Skin Wound Healing. Biomacromolecules, vol.19, no.8, 3536-3548.

  54. Turabee, Md. Hasan, Thambi, Thavasyappan, Lee, Doo Sung. Development of an Injectable Tissue Adhesive Hybrid Hydrogel for Growth Factor-Free Tissue Integration in Advanced Wound Regeneration. Acs applied bio materials, vol.2, no.6, 2500-2510.

  55. Yuan, Shengwen, Kirklin, Scott, Dorney, Brian, Liu, Di-Jia, Yu, Luping. Nanoporous Polymers Containing Stereocontorted Cores for Hydrogen Storage. Macromolecules, vol.42, no.5, 1554-1559.

  56. Kwon, Hyek Jin, Kim, Dokyoon, Seo, Kyungho, Kim, Young Geon, Han, Sang Ihn, Kang, Taegyu, Soh, Min, Hyeon, Taeghwan. Ceria Nanoparticle Systems for Selective Scavenging of Mitochondrial, Intracellular, and Extracellular Reactive Oxygen Species in Parkinson's Disease. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.57, no.30, 9408-9412.

  57. Jiang, Jia‐Xing, Su, Fabing, Trewin, Abbie, Wood, Colin D., Campbell, Neil L., Niu, Hongjun, Dickinson, Calum, Ganin, Alexey Y., Rosseinsky, Matthew J., Khimyak, Yaroslav Z., Cooper, Andrew I.. Conjugated Microporous Poly(aryleneethynylene) Networks. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.46, no.45, 8574-8578.

  58. Mokkelbost, T., Kaus, I., Grande, T., Einarsrud, M.-A.. Combustion Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocrystalline CeO2-Based Powders. Chemistry of materials : a publication of the American Chemical Society, vol.16, no.25, 5489-5494.

  59. Zamiri, Reza, Abbastabar Ahangar, Hossein, Kaushal, Ajay, Zakaria, Azmi, Zamiri, Golnoosh, Tobaldi, David, Ferreira, J. M. F.. Dielectrical Properties of CeO 2 Nanoparticles at Different Temperatures. PloS one, vol.10, no.4, e0122989-.

  60. Longmire, Michelle, Choyke, Peter L, Kobayashi, Hisataka. Clearance Properties of Nano-Sized Particles and Molecules as Imaging Agents: Considerations and Caveats. Nanomedicine, vol.3, no.5, 703-717.

  61. Zhang, Y.N., Poon, W., Tavares, A.J., McGilvray, I.D., Chan, W.C.W.. Nanoparticle-liver interactions: Cellular uptake and hepatobiliary elimination. Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society, vol.240, 332-348.

  62. Jin, Mingshi, Park, Jung-Nam, Shon, Jeong Kuk, Li, Zhenghua, Lee, Eunok, Kim, Ji Man. Highly ordered crystalline mesoporous metal oxides for hydrogen peroxide decomposition. Journal of porous materials, vol.20, no.4, 989-995.

  63. Takeuchi, Hiroyuki, Ishida, Masahiro, Furuya, Atsushi, Todo, Hiroaki, Urano, Hidetoshi, Sugibayashi, Kenji. Influence of Skin Thickness on the in Vitro Permeabilities of Drugs through Sprague-Dawley Rat or Yucatan Micropig Skin. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin, vol.35, no.2, 192-202.

  64. Jachimska, B., Pajor, A.. Physico-chemical characterization of bovine serum albumin in solution and as deposited on surfaces. Bioelectrochemistry, vol.87, 138-146.

  65. Kang, Narae, Park, Ji Hoon, Jin, Mingshi, Park, Nojin, Lee, Sang Moon, Kim, Hae Jin, Kim, Ji Man, Son, Seung Uk. Microporous Organic Network Hollow Spheres: Useful Templates for Nanoparticulate Co3O4 Hollow Oxidation Catalysts. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.135, no.51, 19115-19118.


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