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[해외논문] Neural circuit analysis using a novel intersectional split intein-mediated split-Cre recombinase system 원문보기

Molecular brain, v.13 no.1, 2020년, pp.101 -   

Khoo, Audrey Tze Ting (Neuroscience and Behavioural Disorders Programme, Duke-National University of Singapore (NUS) Medical School, 8 College Road, Singapore, 169857 Singapore) ,  Kim, Paul Jong (Neuroscience and Behavioural Disorders Programme, Duke-National University of Singapore (NUS) Medical School, 8 College Road, Singapore, 169857 Singapore) ,  Kim, Ho Min (Graduate School of Medical Science & Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, 34141 Republic of Korea) ,  Je, H. Shawn (Neuroscience and Behavioural Disorders Programme, Duke-National University of Singapore (NUS) Medical School, 8 College Road, Singapore, 169857 Singapore)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The defining features of a neuron are its functional and anatomical connections with thousands of other neurons in the brain. Together, these neurons form functional networks that direct animal behavior. Current approaches that allow the interrogation of specific populations of neurons and neural ci...


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