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[해외논문] Three New Oleanane-Type Triterpenoidal Glycosides from Impatiens balsamina and Their Biological Activity 원문보기

Plants, v.9 no.9, 2020년, pp.1083 -   

Lee, Tae Hyun (School of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 16419, Korea) ,  Suh, Won Se (thlee16@skku.edu (T.H.L.)) ,  Subedi, Lalita (wonse528@gmail.com (W.S.S.)) ,  Kim, Sun Yeou (krlee@skku.edu (K.R.L.)) ,  Choi, Sang Un (School of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 16419, Korea) ,  Lee, Kang Ro (thlee16@skku.edu (T.H.L.)) ,  Kim, Chung Sub (wonse528@gmail.com (W.S.S.))

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Three new oleanane-type triterpenoidal glycosides, imbalosides A–C (1–3), were isolated from the white flowers of Impatiens balsamina. The structures of these phytochemical constituents (1–3) were elucidated through 1D and 2D Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Mass Spectrometr...


참고문헌 (32)

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