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[해외논문] Unprecedented smoke‐related health burden associated with the 2019-20 bushfires in eastern Australia 원문보기

Medical journal of Australia, v.213 no.6, 2020년, pp.282 - 283  

Borchers Arriagada, Nicolas (Menzies Institute for Medical Research University of Tasmania Hobart TAS) ,  Palmer, Andrew J (Menzies Institute for Medical Research University of Tasmania Hobart TAS) ,  Bowman, David MJS (University of Tasmania Hobart TAS) ,  Morgan, Geoffrey G (University Centre for Rural Health University of Sydney Lismore NSW) ,  Jalaludin, Bin B (Centre for Air Pollution, Energy and Health Research Sydney NSW) ,  Johnston, Fay H (Menzies Institute for Medical Research University of Tasmania Hobart TAS)

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참고문헌 (20)

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  2. Science Cornwall W Scientists race to reveal how surging wildfire smoke is affecting climate and health 

  3. Black, Carolyn, Tesfaigzi, Yohannes, Bassein, Jed A., Miller, Lisa A.. Wildfire smoke exposure and human health: Significant gaps in research for a growing public health issue. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology, vol.55, 186-195.

  4. Héroux, Marie-Eve, Anderson, H. Ross, Atkinson, Richard, Brunekreef, Bert, Cohen, Aaron, Forastiere, Francesco, Hurley, Fintan, Katsouyanni, Klea, Krewski, Daniel, Krzyzanowski, Michal, Künzli, Nino, Mills, Inga, Querol, Xavier, Ostro, Bart, Walton, Heather. Quantifying the health impacts of ambient air pollutants: recommendations of a WHO/Europe project. International journal of public health, vol.60, no.5, 619-627.

  5. NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment.Search for and download air quality data.https://www.dpie.nsw.gov.au/air-quality/search-for-and-download-air-quality-data(viewed Feb 2020). 

  6. Queensland Government.Download air data.https://apps.des.qld.gov.au/air-quality/download(viewed Feb 2020). 

  7. ACT Government.Open data portal dataACT. Air quality monitoring data.https://www.data.act.gov.au/Environment/Air-Quality-Monitoring-Data/94a5-zqnn/data(viewed Feb 2020). 

  8. Environmental Protection Authority Victoria.EPA AirWatch.https://www.epa.vic.gov.au/EPAAirWatch(viewed Feb 2020). 

  9. Xie, Xingzhe, Semanjski, Ivana, Gautama, Sidharta, Tsiligianni, Evaggelia, Deligiannis, Nikos, Rajan, Raj, Pasveer, Frank, Philips, Wilfried. A Review of Urban Air Pollution Monitoring and Exposure Assessment Methods. ISPRS international journal of geo-information, vol.6, no.12, 389-.

  10. Australian Bureau of Statistics.Deaths year of occurrence age at death age­specific death rates sex states territories and Australia.http://stat.data.abs.gov.au/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=DEATHS_AGESPECIFIC_OCCURENCEYEAR(viewed Jan 2020). 

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  13. Emergency department care 2014-15: Australian hospital statistics (Health services series no. 65; Cat. no. HSE 168) Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2015 

  14. Emergency department care 2015-16: Australian hospital statistics (Health services series no. 72; Cat. no. HSE 182) Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2016 

  15. Emergency department care 2016-17: Australian hospital statistics (Health services series no. 80; Cat. no. HSE 194) Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2017 

  16. NSW Ministry of Health.Emergency department presentations for asthma like illness.http://www.healthstats.nsw.gov.au/Indicator/res_asted/res_asted?&topic=Asthma&topic1=topic_ast&code=res_ast(viewed Jan 2020). 

  17. Health risks of air pollution in Europe: HRAPIE project. Recommendations for concentration-response functions for cost-benefit analysis of particulate matter, ozone and nitrogen dioxide World Health Organization 2013 

  18. Borchers Arriagada, Nicolas, Horsley, Joshua A., Palmer, Andrew J., Morgan, Geoffrey G., Tham, Rachel, Johnston, Fay H.. Association between fire smoke fine particulate matter and asthma-related outcomes: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Environmental research, vol.179, no.1, 108777-.

  19. Australian Department of Agriculture Water and the Environment.National standards for criteria air pollutants in Australia.2005.https://www.environment.gov.au/protection/publications/factsheet-national-standards-criteria-air-pollutants-australia(viewed Feb 2020). 

  20. Watts, Nick, Amann, Markus, Arnell, Nigel, Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja, Belesova, Kristine, Boykoff, Maxwell, Byass, Peter, Cai, Wenjia, Campbell-Lendrum, Diarmid, Capstick, Stuart, Chambers, Jonathan, Dalin, Carole, Daly, Meaghan, Dasandi, Niheer, Davies, Michael, Drummond, Paul, Dubrow, Robert, Ebi, Kristie L, Eckelman, Matthew, Ekins, Paul, Escobar, Luis E, Fernandez Montoya, Lucia, Georgeson, Lucien, Graham, Hilary, Haggar, Paul, Hamilton, Ian, Hartinger, Stella, Hess, Jeremy, Kelman, Ilan, Kiesewetter, Gregor, Kjellstrom, Tord, Kniveton, Dominic, Lemke, Bruno, Liu, Yang, Lott, Melissa, Lowe, Rachel, Sewe, Maquins Odhiambo, Martinez-Urtaza, Jaime, Maslin, Mark, McAllister, Lucy, McGushin, Alice, Jankin Mikhaylov, Slava, Milner, James, Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar, Morrissey, Karyn, Murray, Kris, Munzert, Simon, Nilsson, Maria, Neville, Tara, Oreszczyn, Tadj, Owfi, Fereidoon, Pearman, Olivia, Pencheon, David, Phung, Dung, Pye, Steve, Quinn, Ru. The 2019 report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: ensuring that the health of a child born today is not defined by a changing climate. The Lancet, vol.394, no.10211, 1836-1878.

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