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[해외논문] Improving the Reliability of Pharmacokinetic Parameters at Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI in Astrocytomas: A Deep Learning Approach

Radiology, v.297 no.1, 2020년, pp.178 - 188  

Choi, Kyu Sung ,  You, Sung-Hye ,  Han, Yoseob ,  Ye, Jong Chul ,  Jeong, Bumseok ,  Choi, Seung Hong

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (24)

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  2. Yun, Tae Jin, Park, Chul-Kee, Kim, Tae Min, Lee, Se-Hoon, Kim, Ji-Hoon, Sohn, Chul-Ho, Park, Sung-Hye, Kim, Il Han, Choi, Seung Hong. Glioblastoma Treated with Concurrent Radiation Therapy and Temozolomide Chemotherapy: Differentiation of True Progression from Pseudoprogression with Quantitative Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging. Radiology, vol.274, no.3, 830-840.

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  10. You, Sung-Hye, Choi, Seung Hong, Kim, Tae Min, Park, Chul-Kee, Park, Sung-Hye, Won, Jae-Kyung, Kim, Il Han, Lee, Soon Tae, Choi, Hye Jeong, Yoo, Roh-Eul, Kang, Koung Mi, Yun, Tae Jin, Kim, Ji-Hoon, Sohn, Chul-Ho. Differentiation of High-Grade from Low-Grade Astrocytoma: Improvement in Diagnostic Accuracy and Reliability of Pharmacokinetic Parameters from DCE MR Imaging by Using Arterial Input Functions Obtained from DSC MR Imaging. Radiology, vol.286, no.3, 981-991.

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  23. Choi, Kyu Sung, Choi, Seung Hong, Jeong, Bumseok. Prediction of IDH genotype in gliomas with dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion MR imaging using an explainable recurrent neural network. Neuro-oncology, vol.21, no.9, 1197-1209.

  24. Zhou, Zhi-Hua. A brief introduction to weakly supervised learning. National science review, vol.5, no.1, 44-53.


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