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[해외논문] A BODIPY based emission signal turn-on probe toward multiple heavy metals

Molecular crystals and liquid crystals, v.706 no.1, 2020년, pp.38 - 46  

Li, Xiaochuan (Henan Key Laboratory of Organic Functional Molecule and Drug Innovation, Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Province for Green Manufacturing of Fine Chemicals, Key Laboratory of Green Chemical Media and Reactions, Ministry of Education, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, Henan, P. R. China) ,  Tian, Guixiu ,  Shao, Danyang (Henan Key Laboratory of Organic Functional Molecule and Drug Innovation, Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Province for Green Manufacturing of Fine Chemicals, Key Laboratory of Green Chemical Media and Reactions, Ministry of Education, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, Henan, P. R. China) ,  Xu, Yue ,  Wang, Yan (Henan Key Laboratory of Organic Functional Molecule and Drug Innovation, Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Province for Green Manufacturing of Fine Chemicals, Key Laboratory of Green Chemical Media and Reactions, Ministry of Education, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Henan Normal Univer) ,  Ji, Guangqian ,  Ryu, Jiwon ,  Son, Young-A

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참고문헌 (39)

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  7. Li, Xiaochuan, Zhao, Nan, Yu, Lihua, Son, Young-A. Nitro Substituted Bisindolylmalimide Derivatives: Position-Dependent Emission. Molecular crystals and liquid crystals, vol.608, no.1, 273-281.

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  17. Ulrich, Gilles, Goze, Christine, Guardigli, Massimo, Roda, Aldo, Ziessel, Raymond. Pyrromethene Dialkynyl Borane Complexes for “Cascatelle” Energy Transfer and Protein Labeling. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.44, no.24, 3694-3698.

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  21. Frath, Denis, Massue, Julien, Ulrich, Gilles, Ziessel, Raymond. Luminescent Materials: Locking π‐Conjugated and Heterocyclic Ligands with Boron(III). Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.53, no.9, 2290-2310.

  22. Li, X., Son, Y.A.. Efficient luminescence from easily prepared fluorine-boron core complexes based on benzothiazole and benzoxazole. Dyes and pigments : an international journal, vol.107, 182-187.

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  24. Massue, Julien, Frath, Denis, Ulrich, Gilles, Retailleau, Pascal, Ziessel, Raymond. Synthesis of Luminescent 2-(2′-Hydroxyphenyl)benzoxazole (HBO) Borate Complexes. Organic letters, vol.14, no.1, 230-233.

  25. Işık, Murat, Guliyev, Ruslan, Kolemen, Safacan, Altay, Yigit, Senturk, Berna, Tekinay, Turgay, Akkaya, Engin U.. Designing an Intracellular Fluorescent Probe for Glutathione: Two?Modulation Sites for Selective Signal Transduction. Organic letters, vol.16, no.12, 3260-3263.

  26. Isik, Murat, Ozdemir, Tugba, Turan, Ilke Simsek, Kolemen, Safacan, Akkaya, Engin U.. Chromogenic and Fluorogenic Sensing of Biological Thiols in Aqueous Solutions Using BODIPY-Based Reagents. Organic letters, vol.15, no.1, 216-219.

  27. Guliyev, Ruslan, Ozturk, Seyma, Sahin, Ertan, Akkaya, Engin U.. Expanded Bodipy Dyes: Anion Sensing Using a Bodipy Analog with an Additional Difluoroboron Bridge. Organic letters, vol.14, no.6, 1528-1531.

  28. Bozdemir, O. Altan, Guliyev, Ruslan, Buyukcakir, Onur, Selcuk, Sencer, Kolemen, Safacan, Gulseren, Gulcihan, Nalbantoglu, Tugrul, Boyaci, Hande, Akkaya, Engin U.. Selective Manipulation of ICT and PET Processes in Styryl-Bodipy Derivatives: Applications in Molecular Logic and Fluorescence Sensing of Metal Ions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.132, no.23, 8029-8036.

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  34. Jiao, Lijuan, Yu, Changjiang, Li, Jilong, Wang, Zhaoyun, Wu, Min, Hao, Erhong. β-Formyl-BODIPYs from the Vilsmeier−Haack Reaction. Journal of organic chemistry, vol.74, no.19, 7525-7528.

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  39. Guliyev, Ruslan, Coskun, Ali, Akkaya, Engin U.. Design Strategies for Ratiometric Chemosensors: Modulation of Excitation Energy Transfer at the Energy Donor Site. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.131, no.25, 9007-9013.


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