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[해외논문] An “electron lock” toward the photochromic activity of phenylacetylene appended bisthienylethene

Molecular crystals and liquid crystals, v.706 no.1, 2020년, pp.141 - 149  

Li, Xiaochuan (Henan Key Laboratory of Organic Functional Molecule and Drug Innovation, Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Province for Green Manufacturing of Fine Chemicals, Key Laboratory of Green Chemical Media and Reactions, Ministry of Education, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, Henan, P. R. China) ,  Cai, Qiongyan ,  Zhang, Junna (Henan Key Laboratory of Organic Functional Molecule and Drug Innovation, Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Province for Green Manufacturing of Fine Chemicals, Key Laboratory of Green Chemical Media and Reactions, Ministry of Education, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, Henan, P. R. China) ,  Kim, Hyorim ,  Son, Young-A (Henan Key Laboratory of Organic Functional Molecule and Drug Innovation, Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Province for Green Manufacturing of Fine Chemicals, Key Laboratory of Green Chemical Media and Reactions, Ministry of Education, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Henan Normal Univer)

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참고문헌 (39)

  1. Qu, Da-Hui, Wang, Qiao-Chun, Zhang, Qi-Wei, Ma, Xiang, Tian, He. Photoresponsive Host–Guest Functional Systems. Chemical reviews, vol.115, no.15, 7543-7588.

  2. Erbas-Cakmak, Sundus, Leigh, David A., McTernan, Charlie T., Nussbaumer, Alina L.. Artificial Molecular Machines. Chemical reviews, vol.115, no.18, 10081-10206.

  3. Irie, Masahiro, Fukaminato, Tuyoshi, Matsuda, Kenji, Kobatake, Seiya. Photochromism of Diarylethene Molecules and Crystals: Memories, Switches, and Actuators. Chemical reviews, vol.114, no.24, 12174-12277.

  4. Tian, Zhiyuan, Li, Alexander D. Q.. Photoswitching-Enabled Novel Optical Imaging: Innovative Solutions for Real-World Challenges in Fluorescence Detections. Accounts of chemical research, vol.46, no.2, 269-279.

  5. Bléger, David, Hecht, Stefan. Visible‐Light‐Activated Molecular Switches. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.54, no.39, 11338-11349.

  6. Li, Honglin, Vaughan, Joshua C.. Switchable Fluorophores for Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy. Chemical reviews, vol.118, no.18, 9412-9454.

  7. Xu, Jingjing, Volfova, Henrieta, Mulder, Roger J., Goerigk, Lars, Bryant, Gary, Riedle, Eberhard, Ritchie, Chris. Visible-Light-Driven “On”/“Off” Photochromism of a Polyoxometalate Diarylethene Coordination Complex. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.140, no.33, 10482-10487.

  8. Ko, Chi-Chiu, Yam, Vivian Wing-Wah. Coordination Compounds with Photochromic Ligands: Ready Tunability and Visible Light-Sensitized Photochromism. Accounts of chemical research, vol.51, no.1, 149-159.

  9. Han, Muxin, Luo, Yuansu, Damaschke, Bernd, Gómez, Laura, Ribas, Xavi, Jose, Anex, Peretzki, Patrick, Seibt, Michael, Clever, Guido H.. Light‐Controlled Interconversion between a Self‐Assembled Triangle and a Rhombicuboctahedral Sphere. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.55, no.1, 445-449.

  10. Ai, Qi, Pang, Shichong, Ahn, Kwang‐Hyun. Photoswitchable “Turn‐on” Fluorescence Diarylethenes: Substituent Effects on Photochemical Properties and Electrochromism. Chemistry : a European journal, vol.22, no.2, 656-662.

  11. Wu, Tuoqi, Wilson, Danielle, Branda, Neil R.. Fluorescent Quenching of Lanthanide-Doped Upconverting Nanoparticles by Photoresponsive Polymer Shells. Chemistry of materials : a publication of the American Chemical Society, vol.26, no.14, 4313-4320.

  12. Li, Xiaochuan, Tian, He. One-step synthesis and photochromic properties of a stable triangle terthiophene. Tetrahedron letters: the international organ for the rapid publication of preliminary communications in organic chemistry, vol.46, no.32, 5409-5412.

  13. Li, Xiaochuan, Tian, He. High-Content Pendant Photochromic Copolymer with Dithienylethene/Fluorene 2:1 Mole Ratio. Macromolecular chemistry and physics, vol.206, no.17, 1769-1777.

  14. Li, Xiaochuan, Ma, Yuzhen, Wang, Bingcai, Li, Gongan. “Lock and Key Control” of Photochromic Reactivity by Controlling the Oxidation/Reduction State. Organic letters, vol.10, no.16, 3639-3642.

  15. Jin, Li-Mei, Li, Yannian, Ma, Ji, Li, Quan. Synthesis of Novel Thermally Reversible Photochromic Axially Chiral Spirooxazines. Organic letters, vol.12, no.15, 3552-3555.

  16. Wu, Yue, Xie, Yongshu, Zhang, Qiong, Tian, He, Zhu, Weihong, Li, Alexander D. Q.. Quantitative Photoswitching in Bis(dithiazole)ethene Enables Modulation of Light for Encoding Optical Signals. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.53, no.8, 2090-2094.

  17. Tsujioka, Tsuyoshi, Hamada, Yuji, Shibata, Kenichi, Taniguchi, Akira, Fuyuki, Takashi. Nondestructive readout of photochromic optical memory using photocurrent detection. Applied physics letters, vol.78, no.16, 2282-2284.

  18. Moreno, Javier, Schweighöfer, Felix, Wachtveitl, Josef, Hecht, Stefan. Reversible Photomodulation of Electronic Communication in a π‐Conjugated Photoswitch‐Fluorophore Molecular Dyad. Chemistry : a European journal, vol.22, no.3, 1070-1075.

  19. Li, Hong, Qu, Da-Hui. Recent advances in new-type molecular switches. Science China. Chemistry, vol.58, no.6, 916-921.

  20. Pu, Shou-Zhi, Sun, Qi, Fan, Cong-Bin, Wang, Ren-Jie, Liu, Gang. Recent advances in diarylethene-based multi-responsive molecular switches. Journal of materials chemistry. C, Materials for optical and electronic devices, vol.4, no.15, 3075-3093.

  21. Morimoto, M., Kobatake, S., Irie, M.. Multicolor Photochromism of Two- and Three-Component Diarylethene Crystals. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.125, no.36, 11080-11087.

  22. Wigglesworth, T. J., Branda, N. R.. A Family of Multiaddressable, Multicolored Photoresponsive Copolymers Prepared by Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization. Chemistry of materials : a publication of the American Chemical Society, vol.17, no.22, 5473-5480.

  23. Takami, S., Kuroki, L., Irie, M.. Photochromism of Mixed Crystals Containing Bisthienyl-, Bisthiazolyl-, and Bisoxazolylethene Derivatives. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.129, no.23, 7319-7326.

  24. Irie, M.. Diarylethenes for Memories and Switches. Chemical reviews, vol.100, no.5, 1685-1716.

  25. Li, Xiaochuan, Jiang, Wenjuan, Son, Young-A. Properties of Star Shaped Thiophene Materials Having a Build-In Photochromic Core. Molecular crystals and liquid crystals, vol.602, no.1, 1-8.

  26. Li, Xiaochuan, Han, Yuzhen. Optical Properties of 1,3-Bisdicyanovinylindane, an Electro-Acceptor, Attached Bisthienylethene Molecule. Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, vol.16, no.2, 1752-1755.

  27. Li, Xiaochuan, Han, Yujie, Kim, Myeong Jin, Son, Young-A. Reversed photochromism reactivity of malononitrile attached bisthienylthene. Molecular crystals and liquid crystals, vol.662, no.1, 147-156.

  28. Zhang, Junji, Zou, Qi, Tian, He. Photochromic Materials: More Than Meets The Eye. Advanced materials, vol.25, no.3, 378-399.

  29. Giordano, L., Jovin, T. M., Irie, M., Jares-Erijman, E. A.. Diheteroarylethenes as Thermally Stable Photoswitchable Acceptors in Photochromic Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (pcFRET). Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.124, no.25, 7481-7489.

  30. Fleming, C., Remon, P., Li, S., Simeth, N.A., Konig, B., Grotli, M., Andreasson, J.. On the use of diarylmaleimide derivatives in biological contexts: An investigation of the photochromic properties in aqueous solution. Dyes and pigments : an international journal, vol.137, 410-420.

  31. Poon, Chun‐Ting, Lam, Wai Han, Yam, Vivian Wing‐Wah. Synthesis, Photochromic, and Computational Studies of Dithienylethene‐Containing β‐Diketonate Derivatives and Their Near‐Infrared Photochromic Behavior Upon Coordination of a Boron(III) Center. Chemistry : a European journal, vol.19, no.10, 3467-3476.

  32. Wong, Hok-Lai, Tao, Chi-Hang, Zhu, Nianyong, Yam, Vivian Wing-Wah. Photochromic Alkynes as Versatile Building Blocks for Metal Alkynyl Systems: Design, Synthesis, and Photochromic Studies of Diarylethene-Containing Platinum(II) Phosphine Alkynyl Complexes. Inorganic chemistry, vol.50, no.2, 471-481.

  33. Peters, Garvin M., Tovar, John D.. Pendant Photochromic Conjugated Polymers Incorporating a Highly Functionalizable Thieno[3,4-b]thiophene Switching Motif. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.141, no.7, 3146-3152.

  34. Liu, Gang, Pu, Shouzhi, Wang, Renjie. Photochromism of Asymmetrical Diarylethenes with a Pyrrole Unit: Effects of Aromatic Stabilization Energies of Aryl Rings. Organic letters, vol.15, no.5, 980-983.

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  36. Delley, B.. From molecules to solids with the DMol3 approach. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.113, no.18, 7756-7764.

  37. Kobatake, Seiya, Uchida, Kingo, Tsuchida, Eriko, Irie, Masahiro. Single-crystalline photochromism of diarylethenes: reactivity–structure relationship. Chemical communications : Chem comm, vol.2002, no.23, 2804-2805.

  38. Shibata, K., Muto, K., Kobatake, S., Irie, M.. Photocyclization/Cycloreversion Quantum Yields of Diarylethenes in Single Crystals. The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment & general theory, vol.106, no.1, 209-214.

  39. Kobatake, Seiya, Irie, Masahiro. Single-Crystalline Photochromism of Diarylethenes. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, vol.77, no.2, 195-210.


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