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[해외논문] Role of fast-ion transport manipulating safety factor profile in KSTAR early diverting discharges 원문보기

Nuclear fusion. Fusion nucléaire. &n.Illigat;&n.Arligat;derny&n.ibreve; sintez. Fusión nuclear, v.60 no.12, 2020년, pp.126023 -   

Kang, J. ,  Rhee, T. ,  Kim, J. ,  Podestà, M. ,  Bardóczi, L. ,  Nazikian, R. ,  Cheng, C.Z. ,  Kramer, G.J. ,  Choi, M.J. ,  Hahn, S.H. ,  Han, H. ,  Woo, M.H. ,  Jhang, H. ,  Park, J.M. ,  Kwon, J.M.

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (37)

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  2. 2017 16th H-Mode Workshop Jeon Y.M. 

  3. 2018 Preprint: 2018 IAEA Fusion Energy Conf. (Gandhinagar, India, 22-27 October 2018) Yoon S.W. 

  4. 2019 The KSTAR Conf. Park J.M. 

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  11. Ko, J., Chung, J.. Direct measurements of safety factor profiles with motional Stark effect for KSTAR tokamak discharges with internal transport barriers. Review of scientific instruments, vol.88, no.6, 063505-.

  12. 2019 16th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particle Physics in Magnetic Confinement Systems Kim J. 

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  16. Seo, Seong-Heon, Bak, J. G.. The effects of the misalignment of Mirnov coils in mode analysis based on the phase detection method. Physics of plasmas, vol.26, no.10, 102503-.

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  18. Todo, Y., Sato, T., Watanabe, K., Watanabe, T. H., Horiuchi, R.. Magnetohydrodynamic Vlasov simulation of the toroidal Alfvén eigenmode. Physics of plasmas, vol.2, no.7, 2711-2716.

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  22. Fu, G. Y., Cheng, C. Z.. Excitation of high-n toroidicity-induced shear Alfvén eigenmodes by energetic particles and fusion alpha particles in tokamaks. Physics of fluids. a publication of the American Institute of Physics. B, Plasma physics, vol.4, no.11, 3722-3734.

  23. Gorelenkov, N. N, Cheng, C. Z., Fu, G. Y.. Fast particle finite orbit width and Larmor radius effects on low-n toroidicity induced Alfvén eigenmode excitation. Physics of plasmas, vol.6, no.7, 2802-2807.

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  29. Chung, J., Ko, J., Wi, H., Messmer, M., Schenkelaars, S., Scheffer, M., Jaspers, R. J. E.. Initial operation of a newly developed multichord motional Stark effect diagnostic in KSTAR. Review of scientific instruments, vol.87, no.11, 11E503-.

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  31. White, R. B., Chance, M. S.. Hamiltonian guiding center drift orbit calculation for plasmas of arbitrary cross section. The Physics of fluids, vol.27, no.10, 2455-2467.

  32. Todo, Y., Sato, T.. Linear and nonlinear particle-magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the toroidal Alfvén eigenmode. Physics of plasmas, vol.5, no.5, 1321-1327.

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  35. 2019 16th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particle Physics in Magnetic Confinement Systems Yoo J. 

  36. 2003 10.1088/0029-5515/43/5/305 43 330 0029-5515 Nucl. Fusion Menard J.E. 

  37. 2011 38th EPS Conf. Plasma Physics Bak J.G. 


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