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[해외논문] Two-Gaussian Fitting Method for Charge Exchange Spectroscopy on Measurements of Ion Temperature and Toroidal Plasma Flow Velocity in the KSTAR Tokamak

Fusion science and technology : an international journal of the American Nuclear Society, v.76 no.7, 2020년, pp.787 - 794  

Lee, H. H. (National Fusion Research Institute, 169-148 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34133, Korea) ,  Lee, J. K (National Fusion Research Institute, 169-148 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34133, Korea) ,  Ko, W. H. (National Fusion Research Institute, 169-148 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34133, Korea)

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참고문헌 (16)

  1. Weisen, H., von Hellermann, M., Boileau, A., Horton, L.D., Mandl, W., Summers, H.P.. Charge exchange spectroscopy measurements of ion temperature and toroidal rotation in JET. Nuclear fusion. Fusion nucléaire. &n.Illigat;&n.Arligat;derny&n.ibreve; sintez. Fusión nuclear, vol.29, no.12, 2187-2197.

  2. Ida, K., Kado, S., Liang, Y.. Measurements of poloidal rotation velocity using charge exchange spectroscopy in a large helical device. Review of scientific instruments, vol.71, no.6, 2360-2366.

  3. Koide, Y., Sakasai, A., Sakamoto, Y., Kubo, H., Sugie, T.. Multichordal charge exchange recombination spectroscopy on the JT-60U tokamak. Review of scientific instruments, vol.72, no.1, 119-127.

  4. Ehmler, H, Baldzuhn, J, McCormick, K, Kreter, A, Klinger, T. Charge-exchange spectroscopy at the W7-AS stellarator employing a high-energy Li beam. Plasma physics and controlled fusion, vol.45, no.1, 53-62.

  5. Ko, Won-Ha, Lee, Hyungho, Seo, Dongcheol, Kwon, Myeun. Charge exchange spectroscopy system calibration for ion temperature measurement in KSTAR. Review of scientific instruments, vol.81, no.10, 10D740-.

  6. Grierson, B. A., Burrell, K. H., Chrystal, C., Groebner, R. J., Haskey, S. R., Kaplan, D. H.. High resolution main-ion charge exchange spectroscopy in the DIII-D H-mode pedestal. Review of scientific instruments, vol.87, no.11, 11E545-.

  7. LEE, Hyunyong, KOBAYASHI, Shinji, MINAMI, Takayuki, KADO, Shinichiro, MIZUUCHI, Tohru, NAGASAKI, Kazunobu, OKADA, Hiroyuki, MINAMI, Takashi, YAMAMOTO, Satoshi, MURAKAMI, Sadayoshi, NAKAMURA, Yuji, HANATANI, Kiyoshi, KONOSHIMA, Shigeru, OHSHIMA, Shinsuke, MUKAI, Kiyofumi, KAGAWA, Tasuku, SANO, Fumimichi. Measurement of Ion Temperature and Toroidal Rotation Velocity Using Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy in Heliotron J. Plasma and fusion research, vol.7, 1402019-1402019.

  8. Viezzer, E., Pütterich, T., Dux, R., McDermott, R. M.. High-resolution charge exchange measurements at ASDEX Upgrade. Review of scientific instruments, vol.83, no.10, 103501-.

  9. Ye, Minyou, Li, Yingying, Yu, Yi, Shi, Yuejiang, Lyu, Bo, Fu, Jia, Du, Xuewei, Yin, Xianghui, Zhang, Yi, Wang, Qiuping, Wan, Baonian. Toroidal charge exchange recombination spectroscopy on EAST. Fusion engineering and design, vol.96, 1017-1020.

  10. Ko, S. H., Kwon, J. M., Ko, W. H., Kim, S. S., Jhang, H., Terzolo, L.. Characteristics of toroidal rotation and ion temperature pedestals between ELM bursts in KSTAR H-mode plasmas. Physics of plasmas, vol.23, no.6, 062502-.

  11. Ko, Won-Ha, Ko, S.H., Kwon, J.M., Diamond, P.H., Ida, K., Jeon, Y.M., Lee, J.H., Yoon, S.W., Kwak, J.G.. Ion temperature and toroidal velocity edge transport barriers in KSTAR. Nuclear fusion. Fusion nucléaire. &n.Illigat;&n.Arligat;derny&n.ibreve; sintez. Fusión nuclear, vol.55, no.8, 083013-.

  12. Lee, H. H., Seol, J., Ko, W. H., Terzolo, L., Aydemir, A. Y., In, Y., Ghim, Y.-c., Lee, S. G.. Effects of neoclassical toroidal viscosity induced by the intrinsic error fields and toroidal field ripple on the toroidal rotation in tokamaks. Physics of plasmas, vol.23, no.8, 082510-.

  13. Park, J.-K., Jeon, Y. M., Menard, J. E., Ko, W. H., Lee, S. G., Bae, Y. S., Joung, M., You, K.-I., Lee, K.-D., Logan, N., Kim, K., Ko, J. S., Yoon, S. W., Hahn, S. H., Kim, J. H., Kim, W. C., Oh, Y.-K., Kwak, J.-G.. Rotational Resonance of Nonaxisymmetric Magnetic Braking in the KSTAR Tokamak. Physical review letters, vol.111, no.9, 095002-.

  14. 10.13182/FST10-A10823 

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  16. Park, Jong-Kyu, Jeon, YoungMu, In, Yongkyoon, Ahn, Joon-Wook, Nazikian, Raffi, Park, Gunyoung, Kim, Jaehyun, Lee, HyungHo, Ko, WonHa, Kim, Hyun-Seok, Logan, Nikolas C., Wang, Zhirui, Feibush, Eliot A., Menard, Jonathan E., Zarnstroff, Michael C.. 3D field phase-space control in tokamak plasmas. Nature physics, vol.14, no.12, 1223-1228.


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