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[해외논문] Precision measurement of single-electron current with quantized Hall array resistance and Josephson voltage 원문보기

Metrologia, v.57 no.6, 2020년, pp.065025 -   

Bae, Myung-Ho ,  Chae, Dong-Hun ,  Kim, Mun-Seog ,  Kim, Bum-Kyu ,  Park, Suk-In ,  Song, Jindong ,  Oe, Takehiko ,  Kaneko, Nobu-Hisa ,  Kim, Nam ,  Kim, Wan-Seop

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractA single electron pump was incorporated with a quantum Hall resistance and a Josephson voltage for the current evaluation in the framework of Ohm’s law. The pump current of about 60 pA level was amplified by a stable amplifier with a gain of 103 to induce a Hall voltage of about 60 mV ...

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