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[국내논문] Korean Children’s Writing Development with a Short Text Completion Task 원문보기

Communication sciences & disorders, v.24 no.3, 2019년, pp.623 - 635  

Yoon, Hyojin ,  Pae, Soyeong

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (34)

  1. Abbott, R.D., Berninger, V.W., Fayol, M.. Longitudinal Relationships of Levels of Language in Writing and Between Writing and Reading in Grades 1 to 7. Journal of educational psychology, vol.102, no.2, 281-298.

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  3. 배희숙,. Characteristics of Semantic, Morphological, and Syntactic Development in Descriptive Writing of School-aged Children. 언어 = Korean journal of linguistics, vol.41, no.3, 407-429.

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  5. Berninger, Virginia W.. Coordinating Transcription and Text Generation in Working Memory during Composing: Automatic and Constructive Processes. Learning disability quarterly : journal of the Division for Children with Learning Disabilities, vol.22, no.2, 99-112.

  6. Berninger, Virginia W., Abbott, Robert D., Nagy, William, Carlisle, Joanne. Growth in Phonological, Orthographic, and Morphological Awareness in Grades 1 to 6. Journal of psycholinguistic research, vol.39, no.2, 141-163.

  7. Preventing written expression disabilities through early and continuing assessment and intervention for hand-writing and/or spelling problems: research into practice Berninger 345 2003 

  8. Berninger, Virginia W., Vaughan, Katherine, Abbott, Robert D., Begay, Kristin, Coleman, Kristina Byrd, Curtin, Gerald, Hawkins, Jill Minich, Graham, Steve. Teaching spelling and composition alone and together: Implications for the simple view of writing.. Journal of educational psychology, vol.94, no.2, 291-304.

  9. Bishop, D. V. M.. Genetic Influences on Language Impairment and Literacy Problems in Children: Same or Different?. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines, vol.42, no.2, 189-198.

  10. Bishop, D. V. M., Adams, C.. A Prospective Study of the Relationship between Specific Language Impairment, Phonological Disorders and Reading Retardation. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines, vol.31, no.7, 1027-1050.

  11. Burani, C., Marcolini, S., De Luca, M., Zoccolotti, P.. Morpheme-based reading aloud: Evidence from dyslexic and skilled Italian readers. Cognition, vol.108, no.1, 243-262.

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  14. Dockrell, Julie E., Connelly, Vincent, Arfè, Barbara. Struggling writers in elementary school: Capturing drivers of performance. Learning and instruction : the journal of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, vol.60, 75-84.

  15. Graham, Steve, Berninger, Virginia W., Abbott, Robert D., Abbott, Sylvia P., Whitaker, Dianne. Role of mechanics in composing of elementary school students: A new methodological approach.. Journal of educational psychology, vol.89, no.1, 170-182.

  16. Hall-Mills, Shannon, Apel, Kenn. Linguistic Feature Development Across Grades and Genre in Elementary Writing. LSHSS : Language, speech & hearing services in schools, vol.46, no.3, 242-255.

  17. Hebert, Michael, Kearns, Devin M., Hayes, Joanne Baker, Bazis, Pamela, Cooper, Samantha. Why Children With Dyslexia Struggle With Writing and How to Help Them. LSHSS : Language, speech & hearing services in schools, vol.49, no.4, 843-863.

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  19. Jeong, Junghye, Katz, Leonard, Lee, Yang. The two-dimensional orthography of phonology and morphology in differentiating Korean and Chinese. Writing systems research, vol.10, no.2, 73-81.

  20. Jung, Kyung Hee. Developmental Characteristics of Spelling Ability of Kindergarten to 3rd Grade Children. Communication sciences & disorders, vol.24, no.1, 19-30.

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  22. Kim, Ae Hwa, Kim, Ui Jung. Predictors for Spelling and Composition of Students without and with Writing Disabilities. 특수교육학연구 = Korean journal of special education, vol.52, no.4, 263-286.

  23. Kim, Bo Rim, Yoon, Hyojin. Summarizing Two Expository Discourses of Compare-Contrast and Cause-Effect in Second, Fourth and Sixth Graders. Communication sciences & disorders, vol.23, no.4, 890-901.

  24. Kim, Young-Suk Grace, Schatschneider, Christopher. Expanding the developmental models of writing: A direct and indirect effects model of developmental writing (DIEW).. Journal of educational psychology, vol.109, no.1, 35-50.

  25. Lee, Song Hee, Jung, Kyung Hee. Predictors of Writing Ability of First-, Third-, and Fifth-grade School-aged Children Focusing on Executive Function and Writing-related Variables. 言語治療硏究 = Journal of speech & hearing disorders, vol.27, no.4, 41-53.

  26. MARCOLINI, STEFANIA, TRAFICANTE, DANIELA, ZOCCOLOTTI, PIERLUIGI, BURANI, CRISTINA. Word frequency modulates morpheme-based reading in poor and skilled Italian readers. Applied psycholinguistics, vol.32, no.3, 513-532.

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  29. Price, Johanna R., Jackson, Sandra C.. Procedures for Obtaining and Analyzing Writing Samples of School-Age Children and Adolescents. LSHSS : Language, speech & hearing services in schools, vol.46, no.4, 277-293.

  30. SEO, Ju-Young, KIM, Ja-Kyoung. A Comparison of Writing Achievement of Elementary Students at Risk for Writing Disabilities and Typical Students. 水産海洋敎育硏究 = Journal of fisheries and marine sciences education, vol.30, no.1, 144-155.

  31. 신가영,, 조혜숙,, Soyeong Pae,, Seol Ahyoung,, Kichun Nam,. Korean Spelling Development and Linguistic Patterns. 言語治療硏究 = Journal of speech & hearing disorders, vol.24, no.2, 61-72.

  32. Yeop Song,, Soyeong Pae,, 신가영,. Decoding and Spelling Abilities of Korean First and Second Graders With and Without Language Reading Difficulties. 言語治療硏究 = Journal of speech & hearing disorders, vol.25, no.4, 97-107.

  33. Wagner, Richard K., Puranik, Cynthia S., Foorman, Barbara, Foster, Elizabeth, Wilson, Laura Gehron, Tschinkel, Erika, Kantor, Patricia Thatcher. Modeling the development of written language. Reading and writing, vol.24, no.2, 203-220.

  34. Wiig 2013 

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