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[해외논문] ClpL is a functionally active tetradecameric AAA+ chaperone, distinct from hexameric/dodecameric ones

The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, v.34 no.11, 2020년, pp.14353 - 14370  

Kim, Gyuhee (Department of Biological Sciences Sungkyunkwan University Suwon Korea) ,  Lee, Seong‐Gyu (Center for Biomolecular and Cellular Structure Institute for Basic Science (IBS) Daejeon Korea) ,  Han, Seungsu (Department of Biological Sciences Sungkyunkwan University Suwon Korea) ,  Jung, Jaeeun (Department of Biological Sciences Sungkyunkwan University Suwon Korea) ,  Jeong, Hyeong Seop (Korea Basic Science Institute Cheongju Korea) ,  Hyun, Jae‐kyung (Korea Basic Science Institute Cheongju Korea) ,  Rhee, Dong‐Kwon (School of Pharmacy Sungkyunkwan University Suwon Korea) ,  Kim, Ho Min (Center for Biomolecular and Cellular Structure Institute for Basic Science (IBS) Daejeon Korea) ,  Lee, Sangho (Department of Biological Sciences Sungkyunkwan University Suwon Korea)

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참고문헌 (70)

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