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[해외논문] Neuregulin-1 inhibits CoCl 2 -induced upregulation of excitatory amino acid carrier 1 expression and oxidative stress in SH-SY5Y cells and the hippocampus of mice 원문보기

Molecular brain, v.13 no.1, 2020년, pp.153 -   

Kim, Han-Byeol (Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, College of Medicine, Eulji University, 143-5Jung-Gu, Yongdu-Dong, Daejeon, 301-746 Republic of Korea) ,  Yoo, Ji-Young (Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, College of Medicine, Eulji University, 143-5Jung-Gu, Yongdu-Dong, Daejeon, 301-746 Republic of Korea) ,  Yoo, Seung-Yeon (Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, College of Medicine, Eulji University, 143-5Jung-Gu, Yongdu-Dong, Daejeon, 301-746 Republic of Korea) ,  Lee, Jun-Ho (Department of Emergency Medical Technology, Daejeon University, Daejeon, 34520 Republic of Korea) ,  Chang, Wonseok (Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, Eulji University, Daejeon, 301-746 Republic of Korea) ,  Kim, Hye-Sun (Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, 110-799 Korea) ,  Baik, Tai-Kyoung (Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, College of Medicine, Eulji University, 143-5Jung-Gu, Yongdu-Dong, Daejeon, 301-746 Republic of Korea) ,  Woo, Ran-Sook (Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, College of Medicine, Eulji University, 143-5Jung-Gu, Yongdu-Dong, Daejeon, 301-746 Repub)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Excitatory amino acid carrier 1 (EAAC1) is an important subtype of excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) and is the route for neuronal cysteine uptake. CoCl2 is not only a hypoxia-mimetic reagent but also an oxidative stress inducer. Here, we found that CoCl2 induced significant EAAC1 overexpre...


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