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[해외논문] Variations of Indole Metabolites and NRPS-PKS Loci in Two Different Virulent Strains of Xenorhabdus hominickii 원문보기

Frontiers in microbiology, v.11, 2020년, pp.583594 -   

Mollah, Md. Mahi Imam (Department of Plant Medicals, College of Life Sciences, Andong National University , Andong , South Korea) ,  Roy, Miltan Chandra (Department of Plant Medicals, College of Life Sciences, Andong National University , Andong , South Korea) ,  Choi, Doo-Yeol (Department of Plant Medicals, College of Life Sciences, Andong National University , Andong , South Korea) ,  Hasan, Md. Ariful (Department of Plant Medicals, College of Life Sciences, Andong National University , Andong , South Korea) ,  Al Baki, Md. Abdullah (Department of Plant Medicals, College of Life Sciences, Andong National University , Andong , South Korea) ,  Yeom, Hyun-Suk (Center for Eco-Friendly New Materials, Korea Research Institute of Chemicals Technology , Daejeon , South Korea) ,  Kim, Yonggyun (Department of Plant Medicals, College of Life Sciences, Andong National University , Andong , South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Xenorhabdus hominickii ANU1 is known to be an entomopathogenic bacterium symbiotic to nematode Steinernema monticolum. Another bacterial strain X. hominickii DY1 was isolated from a local population of S. monticolum. This bacterial strain X. hominickii DY1 was found to exhibit high insecticidal acti...


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