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[해외논문] Vibration Alert to the Brain: Evoked and Induced MEG Responses to High-Frequency Vibrotactile Stimuli on the Index Finger of Dominant and Non-dominant Hand 원문보기

Frontiers in human neuroscience, v.14, 2020년, pp.576082 -   

Kim, Min-Young (Quantum Technology Institute, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science , Daejeon , South Korea) ,  Kwon, Hyukchan (Quantum Technology Institute, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science , Daejeon , South Korea) ,  Yang, Tae-Heon (Department of Electronic Engineering, Korea National University of Transportation , Chungju-si , South Korea) ,  Kim, Kiwoong (Quantum Technology Institute, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science , Daejeon , South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background: In recent years, vibrotactile haptic feedback technology has been widely used for user interfaces in the mobile devices. Although functional neuroimaging studies have investigated human brain responses to different types of tactile inputs, the neural mechanisms underlying high-frequency ...


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