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[해외논문] Comprehensive Research of Total Ionizing Dose Effects in GaN-Based MIS-HEMTs Using Extremely Thin Gate Dielectric Layer 원문보기

Nanomaterials, v.10 no.11, 2020년, pp.2175 -   

Chang, Sung-Jae (Defense Materials and Components, Convergence Research Department, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon 34129, Korea) ,  Kim, Dong-Seok (hujung@etri.re.kr (H.-W.J.)) ,  Kim, Tae-Woo (kangsc817@etri.re.kr (S.C.K.)) ,  Lee, Jung-Hee (khc@etri.re.kr (H.K.)) ,  Bae, Youngho (nohys@etri.re.kr (Y.-S.N.)) ,  Jung, Hyun-Wook (shl@etri.re.kr (S.-H.L.)) ,  Kang, Soo Cheol (sikim@etri.re.kr (S.-I.K.)) ,  Kim, Haecheon (hkahn@etri.re.kr (H.-K.A.)) ,  Noh, Youn-Sub (jwlim@etri.re.kr (J.-W.L.)) ,  Lee, Sang-Heung (Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Gyungju 38180, Korea) ,  Kim, Seong-Il (dongseokkim@kaeri.re.kr) ,  Ahn, Ho-Kyun (Department of Electrical) ,  Lim, Jong-Won (twkim78@ulsan.ac.kr)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The device performance deterioration mechanism caused by the total ionizing dose effect after the γ-ray irradiation was investigated in GaN-based metal-insulator-semiconductor high electron mobility transistors (MIS-HEMTs) for a 5 nm-thick SiN and HfO2 gate dielectric layer. The γ-ray ra...


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