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[해외논문] Zebrafish Embryonic Exposure to BPAP and Its Relatively Weak Thyroid Hormone-Disrupting Effects 원문보기

Toxics, v.8 no.4, 2020년, pp.103 -   

Lee, Sangwoo (Biosystem Research Group, Korea Institute of Toxicology, Daejeon 34114, Korea) ,  Eghan, Kojo (sangwoo.lee@kitox.re.kr (S.L.)) ,  Lee, Jieon (keghan@kitox.re.kr (K.E.)) ,  Yoo, Donggon (jieon.lee@kitox.re.kr (J.L.)) ,  Yoon, Seokjoo (donggon.yoo@kitox.re.kr (D.Y.)) ,  Kim, Woo-Keun (Biosystem Research Group, Korea Institute of Toxicology, Daejeon 34114, Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Safe endocrine-disrupting alternatives for bisphenol A (BPA) are needed because its adverse health effects have become a public concern. Some bisphenol analogues (bisphenol F and S) have been applied, but their endocrine-disrupting potential is either not negligible or weaker than that of BPA. Howev...


참고문헌 (46)

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