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[해외논문] Robust quantum point contact operation of narrow graphene constrictions patterned by AFM cleavage lithography 원문보기

npj 2D materials and applications, v.4 no.1, 2020년, pp.43 -   

Kun, Péter ,  Fülöp, Bálint ,  Dobrik, Gergely ,  Nemes-Incze, Péter ,  Lukács, István Endre ,  Csonka, Szabolcs ,  Hwang, Chanyong ,  Tapasztó, Levente

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractDetecting conductance quantization in graphene nanostructures turned out more challenging than expected. The observation of well-defined conductance plateaus through graphene nanoconstrictions so far has only been accessible in the highest quality suspended or h-BN encapsulated devices. Howe...

참고문헌 (43)

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