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[국내논문] The Current Status of Eutrophication and Suggestions of the Purification & Restoration on Surface Sediment in the Northwestern Gamak bay, Korea, 2017
2017년 가막만 북서내만해역 표층 해저퇴적물의 부영양화 현황 및 정화·복원 방향

한국해양환경ㆍ에너지학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy, v.22 no.2, 2019년, pp.105 - 113  

Jeong, Huiho ,  Kang, Soodong ,  Jung, Hyeonji ,  Jeong, Dajin ,  Oh, Juhye ,  Choi, Seongmin ,  An, Yunkeun ,  Choo, Hyosang ,  Choi, Sangduk ,  Kim, Sangsoo ,  Kim, Pyoungjoong ,  Lee, Wonchan ,  Cho, Hyeonseo

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (40)

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  2. Guidelines for identifying, assessing and managing contaminated sediments in Ontario Canada Ontario 2016 

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  6. A report of working design service for dredging service on polluted sea area in Haengam bay Jinhae City 2007 

  7. Jung 2006 Evaluation of odor pollution from marine sediment before and after dredging 

  8. Kang 2018 Improvement effect of purification and restoration on sediment from polluted sea area: focusing on the sea areas of Yeosu New port and Sunso 

  9. The numerical analysis of tidal current in coastal sea area of Korea KHOA (Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency) 2017 

  10. J. Korean Soc. Mar. Environ. Eng. Kim 9 4 216 2006 The characteristics of oxygen deficient water mass in Gamak bay 

  11. J. Korean. Soc. Mar. Environ. Saf. Kim 16 3 241 2010 Physicochemical characteristics of seawater in Gamak bay for a period hypoxic water mass disappearance 

  12. Kim 2006 A study on the distribution of organochlorine compounds in Gwangyang bay and Gamak bay 

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  14. J. Korean Soc. Environ. Anal. Kim 13 1 1 2010 Distributions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and fecal sterols in sediment from Gamak bay and their impact on benthic community 

  15. A report of working design for purification service on polluted sediment in Ulsan Bangeujin port KOEM (Korea Marine Environment Management Corporation) 2011 

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  17. A report of working design service for purification service on polluted sediment in Busan Tadaepo port KOEM 2015 

  18. The report on the marine environmental monitoring for purification of polluted sediment in the Yeosu New port (3rd years) KOEM 2015 

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  22. Development of monitoring methods for mariculture farm MOF (Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of Korea) 1999 

  23. Notifications for the fisheries management No. 3 MOF 2017 

  24. Regulations of the survey on marine polluted sediment and the range of purification/restoration service No. 2 MOF 2018 

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  29. Study on mass balance and changing benthic ecosystem in hypoxic water area of the Gamk bay NIFS 2017 

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  37. A report on survey of the pre-marine environmental monitoring according to dredging projects on polluted sea area (Sunso) Yeosu City 2001 

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  39. J. Korean Soc. Oceanogr. Yoon 13 1 67 2008 Benthic environments and macrobenthic polychaete community structure in the winter of 2005-2006 in Gamak bay, Korea 

  40. Yu 2010 A study on the recent trend of organotins pollutions in surface sediments around Gwangyang bay 


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