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[해외논문] Extracellular Vesicles from SOD3-Transduced Stem Cells Exhibit Improved Immunomodulatory Abilities in the Murine Dermatitis Model 원문보기

Antioxidants, v.9 no.11, 2020년, pp.1165 -   

Yang, Ji Won (Department of Life Science in Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University, Yangsan 50612, Korea) ,  Seo, Yoojin (midnightnyou@naver.com (J.W.Y.)) ,  Shin, Tae-Hoon (anjs08@naver.com (J.-S.A.)) ,  Ahn, Ji-Su (dhtnwjd26@naver.com (S.-J.O.)) ,  Oh, Su-Jeong (bubu3935@naver.com (Y.Y.S.)) ,  Shin, Ye Young (Dental and Life Science Institute, Pusan National University, Yangsan 50612, Korea) ,  Kang, Min-Jung (amaicat24@naver.com (Y.S.)) ,  Lee, Byung-Chul (kkang085@naver.com (M.-J.K.)) ,  Lee, Seunghee (Translational Stem Cell Biology Branch, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA) ,  Kang, Kyung-Sun (thshin1125@gmail.com (T.-H.S.)) ,  Hur, Jin (tlc0502@snu.ac.kr (B.-C.L.)) ,  Kim, Yeon-Soo (Department of Life Science in Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University, Yangsan 50612, Korea) ,  Kim, Tae-Yoon (midnightnyou@naver.com (J.W.Y.)) ,  Kim, Hyung-Sik (anjs08@naver.com (J.-S.A.))

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The immunoregulatory abilities of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been investigated in various autoimmune and allergic diseases. However, the therapeutic benefits observed in preclinical settings have not been reproducible in clinical trials. This discrepancy is due to insufficient efficacy of MS...


참고문헌 (66)

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