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[해외논문] Epigenetic modification and a role for the E3 ligase RNF40 in cancer development and metastasis 원문보기

Oncogene, v.40 no.3, 2021년, pp.465 - 474  

Fu, Junjiang (Key Laboratory of Epigenetics and Oncology, The Research Center for Preclinical Medicine, Southwest Medical University, Luzhou, 646000 Sichuan China) ,  Liao, Li (Key Laboratory of Epigenetics and Oncology, The Research Center for Preclinical Medicine, Southwest Medical University, Luzhou, 646000 Sichuan China) ,  Balaji, Kyathegowdanadoddi Srinivasa (Post Graduation Department of Studies and Research in Biotechnology, Teresian Research Center, Teresian College (Affiliated to University of Mysore), Siddhartha Nagara, Mysore, Karnataka 570011 India) ,  Wei, Chunli (Key Laboratory of Epigenetics and Oncology, The Research Center for Preclinical Medicine, Southwest Medical University, Luzhou, 646000 Sichuan China) ,  Kim, Jaehoon (Department of Biological Sciences, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, 34141 South Korea) ,  Peng, Jiangzhou (Department of Thoracic Surgery, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, 510500 Guangdong China)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

RNF40 (OMIM: 607700) is a really interesting new gene (RING) finger E3 ubiquitin ligase containing multiple coiled-coil domains and a C-terminal RING finger motif, which engage in protein–DNA and protein–protein interactions. RNF40 encodes a polypeptide of 1001 amino acids with a predi...

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