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[해외논문] Injection-seeded high-repetition-rate short-pulse micro-laser based on upconversion nanoparticles 원문보기

Nanoscale, v.13 no.2, 2021년, pp.878 - 885  

Jiao, Jiannan (Singapore Centre for 3D Printing) ,  Zhou, Donglei (Singapore Centre for 3D Printing) ,  Li, Shufan (Singapore Centre for 3D Printing) ,  Low, Mun Ji (Singapore Centre for 3D Printing) ,  Gao, Yi (Singapore Centre for 3D Printing) ,  An, Jianing (Singapore Centre for 3D Printing) ,  Su, Pei-Chen (Singapore Centre for 3D Printing) ,  Kim, Seung-Woo (Department of Mechanical Engineering) ,  Kim, Seungchul (Department of Cogno-mechatronics Engineering) ,  Kim, Kyujung (Department of Cogno-mechatronics Engineering) ,  Suchand Sandeep, C. S. (Singapore Centre for 3D Printing) ,  Kim, Young-Jin (Singapore Centre for 3D Printing)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We demonstrate a high repetition-rate upconversion green pulsed micro-laser, which is prepared by the fast thermal quenching of lanthanide-doped upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) via femtosecond-laser direct writing. The outer rim of the prepared upconversion hemi-ellipsoidal microstructure works a...

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