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[해외논문] Building resilient medical technology supply chains with a software bill of materials 원문보기

npj digital medicine, v.4 no.1, 2021년, pp.34 -   

Carmody, Seth (MedCrypt, San Diego, CA USA) ,  Coravos, Andrea (Elektra Labs, Inc, San Francisco, CA USA) ,  Fahs, Ginny (Aspen Institute Tech Policy Hub, San Francisco, CA USA) ,  Hatch, Audra (I Am The Cavalry, Washington, DC USA) ,  Medina, Janine (Biohacking Village, Las Vegas, NV USA) ,  Woods, Beau (Biohacking Village, Las Vegas, NV USA) ,  Corman, Joshua (Pennsylvania State University Policy Innovation Lab of Tomorrow (PILOT), State College, PA USA)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

An exploited vulnerability in a single software component of healthcare technology can affect patient care. The risk of including third-party software components in healthcare technologies can be managed, in part, by leveraging a software bill of materials (SBOM). Analogous to an ingredients list on...

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