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[해외논문] Methodology for assessing the network balance of 4G LTE radio network

Electronics letters, v.56 no.22, 2020년, pp.1217 - 1219  

Cheon, K. (Radio Resource Research LabETRIDaejeonRepublic of Korea) ,  Kwon, H. (Radio Resource Research LabETRIDaejeonRepublic of Korea) ,  Jahng, J. (Radio Resource Research LabETRIDaejeonRepublic of Korea) ,  Park, S. (Radio Resource Research LabETRIDaejeonRepublic of Korea) ,  Choi, J.K. (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)DaejeonRepublic of Korea)

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참고문헌 (7)

  1. T.BarnettJr.JainS.AndraU.et al.: ‘Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) Complete Forecast Update 2017-2022’ December2018 pp.1-125 available at:https://www.cisco.com/c/dam/m/en_us/network­intelligence/service­provider/digital­transformation/knowledge­network­webinars/pdfs/1211_BUSINESS_SERVICES_CKN_PDF.pdf 

  2. 3GPP TR 38.801 V14.0.0 Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network; Study on new radio access technology: Radio access architecture and interfaces (Release 14) 

  3. Clarke, R.N.. Expanding mobile wireless capacity: The challenges presented by technology and economics. Telecommunications policy, vol.38, no.8, 693-708.

  4. Recommendation ITU­R M.1768: methodology for calculation of spectrum requirements for the terrestrial component of International Mobile Telecommunications (International Telecommunications Union Geneva Switzerland 2013) available athttps://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu­r/rec/m/R­REC­M.1768­1­201304­I!!PDF­E.pdf 

  5. 10.23919/ICACT48636.2020.9061285 CheonK.KwonH.KimI.et al.: ‘Mobile traffic assessment for 4G network: virtual sampled region approach’.ICACT 2020 PyeongChang Republic of Korea February 2019 doi: 10.23919/ICACT48636.2020.9061285 

  6. Kim, Yunbae, Kwon, Hyeyeon, Park, Seungkeun. Prediction of LTE Spectrum Saturation Using Quantiles of Busy Hour RB Usage Rates. IEEE communications letters : a publication of the IEEE Communications Society, vol.23, no.8, 1427-1431.

  7. 장재혁, 박승근. 모바일 트래픽 동향. 전자통신동향분석 = Electronics and telecommunications trends, vol.34, no.3, 106-113.


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